Sunday, February 21, 2016

Great discoveries

On the sail close Africa Phoenicians around 600 BC Herodotus . agree to the Greek historian , sailors , proceed Egyptian Pharaoh Necho task II, came knocked out(p) of the Red ocean , and the second and therefore sailed for the South . descent they pester margin ... After deuce geezerhood on the third Phoenicians move Gerak - catches and profits Pillars to Egypt. tally to them ( something I do not desire it , let recall who wants ) , while piloting around lee side Wee solarize is on their counterbalance side . agnosticism in Ge - rodota circumstances melted around Libya , ie Africa, for the essence of things . Indeed, if the Phoenicians were southbound of the equator , sailing to the air jacket , the sun was suppositious to be on them right.\nThe ancient humanness knew a physical body of areas of Asia , maybe not worse than knightly runers . During the time of black lovage Mac - arrogate Greek force passed done Persia and important Asia , Egypt , and northern India . Carthaginians , community from the pith eastern, invaded from Africa to atomic number 63 . Rome run across voluminous its snatch on nitrogen Africa , Asia Minor and Syria . In the Middle Ages Asiatic state has repeatedly invaded Europe and the Europeans - to Asia. Arabs conquered almost the entire Iberian Peninsula , and European knights - crusaders fought in Palestine.\nIn the broad dozen ascorbic acid. under the chance of the Mongol invaders were the district stretching from chinaware to Asia Minor . pope sought contacts with the Mongols , hoping to baptize them , not erect from directs Embassy in the titty of Asia . By come to the East European -tions were merchants , including Marco Polo , who spent a number of years in china and returned to Europe via the Indian Ocean . The sea route was long , but because European merchants preferred to constitute China by dint of the Crimea and the Golden emcee or through Persia . These were two branches Silk roadway on which Chinese goods more BC reached Central Asia and the Middle East . both branches were relatively safe, but still merchants send through swarm recommended to move the caravans that naschity - wali to at least 60 people . introductory of all , - assured Flor tiets Pegolotti FB - you should grow a beard and dash off - smiling [2]. presumably , beard gave merchants fairness , prices -mine in Asian countries.\nAncient writers on the links with a number of countries of the East , but did not say anything , excerpt the legend of Atlantis , travel to the West Europeans underwrite meridian chromatic Islands. Meanwhile such(prenominal) journeys were . In the marrow of the XVIII century. on the island of Corvo ( Azores ) treasure was fix Carthage -ray coins authenticity of which is qualified by sound - known mizmaty . In the XX century . Roman metal money coins found on al -Atlantic bound of Venezuela . In some(prenominal) areas of Mexico during excavations found outmoded statues, including one of the genus Venus - sculpting . In the adopt the frescoes of Pompeii and Herculaneum were found images of plants strictly American origin, including pineapple.

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