Friday, November 29, 2019
Two Gentlemen in Verona free essay sample
The Abasement of The Upper Class Most people have a predetermined idea of the levels of a social hierarchy. They presume that the upper class is noble, proper and educated while the lower class is of the opposite; the lower class work for the upper class and thus cannot possibly exceed the caliber of the upper class. Shakespeare upends this predetermined notion by utilizing the characters to convey a strong sense of role reversal throughout The Two Gentlemen of Verona. This role reversal upsets the stereotypical social hierarchy and strongly suggests that the upper class may not be as highly esteemed as they are perceived to be. Loyalty is an underlying theme throughout the play. Symbols of loyalty prompt the reader to not only compare the loyalty of a servant’s relationship with an upperclassman’s relationship but also conclude that this comparison often leads to the degradation of the upper class characters. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Gentlemen in Verona or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Proteus refers to himself as â€Å"spaniel-like†(4. 2. 4) in Act 4; however his actions show that he is the direct opposite of what a spaniel, or a dog, should be like. Judging from his fickle actions of suddenly falling in love with Silvia after swearing to remain faithful to Julia, Proteus is unable to have nearly as much loyalty as a spaniel should have. Thus one can conclude that Proteus is not nearly as loyal as a dog. His condemnable actions lead to an abasement of the upper class and gives way to the idea that the aristocratic aren’t as respectable as they seem to be. The relationship between Lance and Crab can be compared to Proteus and Julia. Lance, the servant has an unusually loyal and selfless relationship with his dog, Crab. It is interesting to note that Lance seems to be more loyal or devoted to Crab, than his dog is to him. In fact, Lance even takes the blame and beating for his dog when Crab his caught â€Å"a pissing†(4. 4. 1) under the table. This loyalty can be compared to Proteus and Julia in that Lance’s selflessly devoted relationship with Crab is a parody of the despicably unfaithful relationship Proteus has with Julia. The â€Å"reversed†relationship between Lance and Crab also gives way to a new and important idea for the rest of the play. Upon closer inspection, one can see that the master, in this case Lance resembles the characteristics of a loyal servant, which should be the role played by Lance’s dog, Crab. The unusual reversal of roles that this master and its dog should have, gives way to a recurring idea – prominent throughout the rest of the play, that the characteristics of the lower class and upper class are interchanged. Speed and Lance are two servants who happen to be servants of two deeply in-love masters. In Act 3 Scene 1, Lance claims that he too, is in love and reveals a list of which he has written down the merits of his lady. Typically, one should assume that this list – coming from an uneducated servant, should not exhibit a great amount of depth or critical thinking; however this list surprises the reader in its logicality and wittiness, and in addition, reinforces the idea of the switching of hierarchal roles. Items on Lance’s list exhibit great practicality such as â€Å"She can sew†(3. . 298) and â€Å"She can wash and scour†(3. 1. 329). Lance also cleverly transforms flaws into virtues when he describes that â€Å"She hath more hair than wit,†or that she is younger than she is intelligent and â€Å"more fault than hairs,†or more flaws than she is young and â€Å"more wealth than faults†(3. 3. 3) which amalgamates to that she is wealt hier than flawed since â€Å"that word (wealth) makes the faults gracious†because Lance understands that in real life, level of wealth is a highly influential, and possibly ultimate deciding factor in marriage or a relationship. The realistic and practical nature of the list shows the maturity and intelligence of Lance, which begs to question the nature of the picturesque but fickle and unsustainable nature of the love affairs of the masters, Valentine and Proteus. This once again reiterates the role reversal of social hierarchy and through the sensibleness of Lance and shows that the upper class may not be as intellectual as they are perceived to be. There are also other smaller remarks in scenes that support the notion that a role reversal suggests the idea that aristocrats may not be as intellectual as them seem to be. For example, in Act 2 Scene 1, when Valentine is reunited with his love, Silvia – Speed provides several asides in which he mockingly says â€Å"a million of manners! †(2. 1. 95) in response to Valentine greeting Silvia with â€Å"a thousand good morrows†(2. 1. 93-4). In this series of asides, the audience can see that the servant is sensibly belittling the absurdity of his master’s love for Silvia. An encounter in Act 3 Scene 1 between the Duke and Valentine also pokes at a role reversal when the Duke, perhaps the character with the highest social class throughout the novel, seeks advice on how to â€Å"court†(3. . 85) his lover, from Valentine: a relatively subordinate character. It is arguable that the Duke only asked Valentine for advice as a part of his scheme to figure out how Valentine has been courting his own daughter, Silvia. However, if one looks at the scene and context secluded from the ulterior intentions, the mere act of a superior asking an inferior for advice heavily suggests that the role reversal of characters in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and ultimately, that the aristocratic, or Duke, is not as almighty and wise as he is assumed to be. Finally, perhaps the most prominent manifestation of role reversal and the abasement of aristocrats lies in the exchange between Valentine and Speed. Throughout the beginning half of the play, Valentine disapproves Proteus’s love for Julia and claims that by staying at home with Julia, Proteus will have â€Å"homely wits†(1. 1. 2) and wear out his â€Å"youth with shapeless idleness†(1. 1. 8). However during Act 2 Scene 1, Valentine is criticized by Speed, for the negative effects that he has brought upon himself as a result of his love for Silvia. Speed not only brings attention to the fact that only recently did Valentine â€Å"chid[e] at Sir Proteus for going ungartered†(2. 1. 70) but also has somewhat become blinded by love. During Speed’s observation of Valentine’s state in Act 2 Scene 1, Speed condemns Valentine who now â€Å"walk[s] alone like one that had the pestilence†(2. 1. 21) as a result of being in love with Silvia, when Valentine used to â€Å"walk like one of the lions†(2. 1. 27). As a result of being â€Å"metamorphosed with a mistress†(2. 1. 29-30), when Speed â€Å"look on you [Valentine], I [Speed] can hardly think you my master†(2. . 30-1). This exchange radiates the idea that Speed sees things that Valentine is unable to as well as the idea that Speed is wiser and more intellectual than his superior, Valentine. The latter part of the scene where Speed claims that Valentine’s lover, Silvia, is actually â€Å"not so fair†(2. 1. 51) accentuat es both Speed’s expert and knowledgeable as well as Valentine’s increasingly dull and inferior characters. When Valentine questions Speed’s observation of Silvia’s beauty, Speed cleverly notes that â€Å"Because Love is blind†(2. 1. 8), Valentine is unable to see the ugliness of Silvia. In this brief exchange, Valentine and Speed play instead, the inferior and superior roles respectively as Speed lectures Valentine on this love-blind issue. Valentine’s aristocratic character is degraded as Speed didactically enlightens Valentine on the effects of love that he is unable to see. It is questionable that because a big portion of Shakespeare’s audience was of middle and lower class, he conveyed a sense of abasement of the upper class in The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Thus it can be argued that he utilized this theme as a way to provide pleasure for the audience of his work. Nonetheless, through the various exchanges between master and servant, and servant to servant, one can see that the stereotypical roles of the characters are not congruent with their actual characteristics. Lance’s relationship with his dog both parodies Proteus and Julia and allows the theme of role reversal to manifest itself in their unusual relationship. Lance’s practical list of merits provides a sense of integrity and high intellectual capability for other members of the lower class. The Duke and Valentine suggests a role reversal and finally, Speed’s didactic observation of Valentine’s chronic â€Å"love blindness†allows the audience to see the dullness of the upper class and quick wit of lower class. All these examples amalgamate to a reinforced idea that the roles of the upper class and lower class may be reversed and that the upper class are not nearly as intelligent and esteemed as they are perceived to be.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Is Ghost Blogging Unethical
Is Ghost Blogging Unethical You didnt write that post, but you put your name on it. You hired a ghost blogger. Ghost blogging: one person writes the blog posts, but another person gets the credit, with or without disclosure that the blog uses ghost written posts. Does that seem wrong to you? Unethical? Some say thats an easy yes, but others, particularly in the public relations industry, say no. It depends on how you see your content, and how comfortable you are with a lie. 1. Ghost Blogging Ruins The Relationship Social media and blog content–its all about the relationship now, isnt that right? Were talking, were conversing, were engaging. Its all inbound marketing and in order for that to work, we have to be transparent and open and above all else, be concerned with connecting personally to our readers. In this strict definition, ghost blogging seems like a home-wrecker in our relationship with our audience. Blogger Dave Fleet has written an article about the ethics of ghost writing in social media, stating outright that it is unethical if it is undisclosed because it harms the relationship. Unlike ghost-written speeches, where the spokesperson lends their name and approval to the writing by actually saying the words, ghost-written blogs can be published without the named person ever seeing them. Fleet later wrote an article addressing ghost blogging directly, stating that it was wrong. Writing blog posts was part of relationship-building. When did outsourcing your relationships become okay? Dave Fleet Maybe the question isnt whether ghost blogging is ethical or not, but instead, whether your blog is about relationships or information. Not All Blogs Are Relationships To play devils advocate, let me suggest that not all blogging is relationship building. Some blogs are purely for information. Just as a writer publishes a book (paper or ebook), you buy it, you read it, you dont assume the author wants to start a transparent relationship with you. The information was the thing. Consider the many reasons people create blogs: Create and cultivate relationships. Develop their image and platform. Frame and speak on issues that affect them or their brand (self PR). Show themselves as thought leaders. Media catching (journalists contact them because of what they found on their blog) for attention. Communicate with the rest of the organization, or shareholders. A pure love of writing. Earning money from ads, sales, affiliates, etc. Attract search engines to their website where their business and products are found. Do all of these reasons really have to be considered relationships? I know we are trained to think that way now, but is it the only route? The trend and best practices youll hear now is that all content is framed in a relational and social approach. To be the devils advocate for a moment, I would suggest that it is also possible that you are only interested in relaying information and arent looking for a relationship (ask any seriously introverted writer about this). While you might see significantly different results than someone who views their content as relational, you are, at least, getting content on your site. If its good, youll still be found by search engines. Maybe thats enough for you.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Facquier Gas Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Facquier Gas Company - Case Study Example These specifications are designed to accommodate the gas flow which should start flowing in September. Thus, in this case there are two variables for consideration and require the company to act fast so that it completes the installation of the pipes before September. Additionally, due to the increase in demand, the thickness of the pipe, which determines the volume of gas passing per unit time, has to be increased as well. There are two problems with reference to the case of Facquier Gas Company. Firstly, in order to reflect the desired changes that will lead the company to acquiring more sales and supply to more customers, the company, through Mr. Murphy is burdened with the task of accommodating major lead times. This means that the supply of the required products will foreseeably experience some delays related to the fact that Facquier Gas Company’s orders would not be fitted in the schedules of suppliers. Additionally, from Mr. Murphy’s understanding, the company has formerly used different specifications for the pipes such as 3/8 inch while the current design uses 3/7 inch thickness. The length of the pipe in former specifications has been 35-45 feet in length. Eventually, the consideration of order the products within a short schedule is also faced with a constraint of lead time. This is the case with the wrapper and coal tar as one company supplying the coal tar s located at Phila delphia while he one to supply the wrappers is located in Atlanta. a. To adapt the new design specifications as they are in order to meet the current demand and at the same time offset the time wastage the 3/8-inch pipes contribute for attracting regular standards’ inspections (Cowen, 2014). b. The company should consider acquiring the products with the new specifications but consider choosing a different logistics channel offering quicker delivery packages. Although the quicker delivery will increase costs, it will ensure that
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Poor nutrition; food poverty; food deserts in Nigeria Essay
Poor nutrition; food poverty; food deserts in Nigeria - Essay Example Just like the rest of the world, most African countries suffer from poor nutrition, food poverty, and food deserts. In West Africa, Nigeria turns out to be one of the most affected countries, and such conditions mostly trickles down to pregnant women. While the role of proper nutrition and food security in pregnant women in African needs efficient management, it is also essential to apply concepts of food economics in the management of the outlined issues (Yamin & Norheim, 2014). This report will aim to analyse poor nutrition issues in pregnant women living in Africa, while relating to specific countries, as well as the influence these issues have on health promotion. Furthermore, the report will examine questions concerned with the control of prevalent diseases in pregnant women. One of the main issues affecting Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of poor nutrition is the rise of migration patterns in recent years, especially to the Western world. Currently, among all African countries, Nigeria takes the lead in representing the continent, claiming the most predominant immigrant residents in a number of first world nations (Shrimpton, 2006). On the other hand, if at all there are any impacts of immigration on their nutritional status and the results of pregnancy of women in their native countries, many studies have not captured such data comprehensively. Thus, it is currently unidentified, to some extent, about the dietary insufficiencies as well as pregnancy complications not only in Nigeria, but also in the entire Sub-Saharan Africa. These discrepancies have led to unexploited opportunities focused on the most suitable antenatal care aimed towards the reversing the likely high risks in different groups of women during pregnancy. According to Shrimpton (2006), poor nutrition in pregnancy among Sub-Saharan women, with in-depth focus on Nigeria, leads to the most common
Monday, November 18, 2019
HOSPITAL READMISSION REDUCTION PROGRAM - Research Paper Example This did not emerge as a significant issue for quality of inpatient care; although, patients were discharged untimely, which might hypothetically raise the threat of readmissions that are expensive to payers. In a Congressional Report of 2007 (Hackbarth, Reischauer & Miller, 2007), the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) categorized several hospital readmissions as probably preventable. On August1 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published its inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) finale law. Incorporated in the early structure for Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) that is intended to begin operation in the FY 2013. The HRRP was incorporated in the Affordable Care Act by the Congress. The HRRP policy is concerned with the reduction of Medicare disbursements to hospitals with a higher number of rehospitalizations for ‘appropriate conditions’ over a particular period. The policy is only appropriate to medical states chosen by the Health and Human Service (HHS) Secretary. The policy directs the Secretary to choose situations that are expensive or widespread and where there are readmissions approaches that are authorized by the body with a treaty under section 1890(a) that is the National Quality Forum (NQF). The HRRP is applicable to all hospital organizations except those offering chiefly psychiatric, rehabilit ative or long-standing care, critical admission hospitals, children’s hospitals, and some cancer or research centers. Hospitals organizations engaging in a Medicare payment demonstration scheme are subject to this program, although, can be exempted from engagement provided that their state presents a yearly report explaining the state’s plans to decrease expenses and develop outcomes and the HHS Secretary approves. Understanding the technicalities of the HRRP entails one to consider the conditions and political background adjoining the endorsement of its parent
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A case study on a domestic violence intervention
A case study on a domestic violence intervention Working with Individuals AGENCY PROFILE The student social worker is placed with Bharatiya Mahila Federation (BMF). Bharatiya Mahila Federation (BMF) is an all-India organization women’s mass organization, working with the victims of Domestic Violence. BMF was established by many leaders including Aruna Asaf Ali. Mahila Samasya Nivaaran Kendras (Family Counseling Centers for Women) are located in Thane, Kalyan, and Bhiwandi. In the purview of socially relevant issues, it also takes care of the education of the slum children through a non-formal approach towards education, under the name of ‘Disha Classes’. BMF has vigorously campaigned against female foeticide. It is also working in tandem with Malati Vaidya Trust to start a Resource Center in Ganeshwadi, Badlapur. The student works with the Family Counselling Center in Thane. The center is run by para-professionals, some of whom were themselves victims at some point in time. CASE For the purpose of explanation of the various aspects of working with individuals, the student will like to mention the case of a 30 year old women named Sanaa (name changed). Sanaa is Muslim by religion and was married off at the age of 26 as her husband’s second wife. He remarried after giving divorce to his first wife. Sanaa is residing with her parents, brother and sister-in-law in Mumbra. She has four children. The first two are twin daughters and one of them named Aalia(name changed) is intellectually challenged because of the injuries inflicted on Sanaa during pregnancy. The other daughter named Nazia was forcefully taken away by her father Khalid with him since unlike the first daughter she is normal. Clearly, the father has left the entire responsibility of the child who is intellectually- challenged on the mother, without giving any maintenance from his side. The third child, who is a boy, Naseer (name changed), is physically challenged and can’t walk normally . The fourth child, Ali, is 7 months and is chronically ill has been hospitalized many times. Sanaa approached the agency’s Family Counselling Centre. She complained of being beaten up by her husband, brother-in-law and sister-in-law and the atrocities committed against her at the time of her pregnancy. Due to the injuries, she had a miscarriage the first time she got pregnant. The agency wanted the trainee to do a home-visit and verify the facts. The home visit revealed that the client is staying in a chawl in unhygienic conditions. The trainee interviewed the client and her mother. Her husband has refused to accept her and the children back and wants a divorce, but Sanaa wants to stay with him. Her husband has put a condition that he will let her come back only if she and her family give in writing that they will not file a police complaint against him and will not approach any NGO/agency for further help as they did earlier. Sanaa wants to be with him despite all the physical and mental tortures that her husband makes her go through. She does not wish to burden her parents with her and her children’s responsibility. As far as her education his concerned, she has obtained education till the secondary level. Before marriage, she used to teach kids of the primary level. The trainee tried to counsel her that staying with her husband would not change h er conditions. Instead she should file a case on him demanding maintenance for herself and her kids. The trainee also suggested that she takes up a job. Before a case could be filed, the trainee paid a visit to her husband to come for a meeting at the agency but he refused to all efforts of negotiation and said that he will confront her directly in the court. Later on, when the student called her up to know her decision about filing the case, she said she was ready to go ahead with it. Hence, she was asked to come for the meeting with the agency’s advocate on the given date. The advocate asked the trainee to submit Sanaa’s case history so that the petition could be filed in the court. The student social worker also figured out that Sanaa’s case has a lot of scope of medical intervention apart from assistance at the legal level. While the trainee was planning the further course of action for the case, the client took up a teaching job in a neighbourhood school in her locality. This indeed came as a happy news for the trainee as it reflected that mere triggering an idea can actually motivate the client to help herself. The client was also encouraged to further continue her studies. For the medical help for Sanaa’s kids, the trainee decided to take them to a BMC Hospital. After waiting in the queue for two-and-half hours outside the OPD for Skin Diseases, Naseer was diagnosed, medicines were prescribed and the doctor asked to bring him in the coming week for follow-up. The prescribed medicines were not available in the hospital’s pharmacy. So, the medicines were bought from outside. Naseer was also examined for his swollen abdomen. The doctor told that there is a doubt of him suffering from Langerhans cell Histiocytosis (LCH) and hence he needs to be admitted. Sanaa was apprehensive about admitting Naseer, since she would not be able to afford it. The trainee could observe an expression of fear on her face. It was time for the trainee to counsel her about the urgent need to get her son admitted. On the way back home, while talking to the client, the trainee found out that Sanaa’s mother wants her to quit the teaching job since its taking a l ot of her time and it becomes difficult for her mother to handle three kids when Sanaa’s is out for work in the afternoon school. As an alternative, her mother had suggested her to take up tailoring work. For the same, she expressed the need for a sewing machine. So now, there was a need to look for a donor for Naseer’s treatment and for the machine. The supervisor suggested that Sanaa’s case can be referred to another organization who is involved into such kind of work. After brainstorming, the trainee decided to refer Sanaa’s case to MESCO – an organization in Mumbra. The visit to MESCO turned out to be quite fruitful. In the meeting with its representatives, it was planned that the after submitting required documents the financial assistance would be provided for Naseer’s treatment. However, one constraint was that MESCO provides help only on first three days of every month so the trainee had to really pace up the process of arranging all the documents. For Sanaa’s tailoring venture, the representative mentioned that she will have to appear for a skill test after which she would be given a sewing machine. The documentation process can actually kill a lot of time and the trainee already had limited one in hand, since the end of the field work for the year was approaching. After running from post-to-post for one signature from the doctor at the hospital, trainee had a cost certificate in hand which turned out to be of no use since the social worker at the hospital asked to get another one for the total estimated cost of treatment, running around for which was postponed to another week by the doctor. In the meantime, the student was struggling with herself as to find a way to convince the client to get her son admitted. Every week he was falling ill and the medicine for the skin disease seemed to have an effect only in the first week. Follow-ups to the doctor after that did not make much of a difference. This led the trainee to ponder as to why this was happening and the speculation was that it is possible that the skin disease could be a symptom of LCH. After reading up on LCH, the doub t was confirmed. For weeks, Naseer was being treated for the symptom! But now the field work year was over! So what should one do in such a situation? The client cannot be left midway in the helping process. It raises a lot of ethical issues. STAGES IN WORKING WITH INDIVIDUALS 1. Social Study 2. Social Assessment 3. Intervention 4. Termination 5. Evaluation The initial description of the case is clearly a Social Study of Sanaa’s case. Social Study is a systematic study of the client and her/his circumstances in relation to her/his problem Information is collected and organised with regard to the following: Problems (the initially stated problem and associated problems if any), Age, sex, marital status, Educational qualification, Nature of employment, income, Health conditions, Personality features, Home and neighbourhood, Family constellation, Family history (significant events, attitudes,relationships, etc.). Sanaa’s case was constantly assessed for the purpose of necessary intervention. Each course of action had to be simultaneously evaluated to check for loopholes. However, the case cannot be called to have reached the termination. But the intervention done so far has proved to be be fruitful to the extent that Sanaa took up a job on her when encouraged and motivated. The trainee could locate an organization who could p rovide her with a machine for starting tailoring work and fund the treatment of her child. Naseer did receive some OPD treatment, which revealed the need for a long term treatment. The trainee was also able to facilitate the process of providing legal assistance to the client. TOOLS TECHNIQUES Tools can be defined as the ways through which a particular profession, occupation or form of trade is practiced. In social casework, tools are the means of establishing and developing contact with the clients. Through casework tools, one can have access to the information about the client, her concerns, her family, her environment. The student made use of all the five casework tools, namely, Listening, Observation, Relationship, Home-Visit and Interview. According to Grace Mathew, the last three tools mentioned here, are the channels to make the casework techniques operative. Mathew has defined casework techniques as the systematic procedures of helping. These are- Acceptance, Assurance, Facilitation of Expression of Feelings, ,Allaying overpowering feelings, Accrediting and Building Self-Confidence, Encouragement and Reassurance, Being with the Client, Emotional Support, Action-Oriented Support. Then Grace Mathew listed down certain other techniques for the purpose of enhancing res ources. These are – Providing or Procuring Material Help, Change of Physical Environment, Enhancing Information and Knowledge. There are also techniques for changing the internal processes- Counselling techniques (Reflective Discussion, Advice, Motivation, Clarification, and Correcting Perception), Anticipatory Guidance, Modelling, Role Playing, Reality Orientation, Remove Guilt Feelings and using them constructively, Interpretation, Partialisation, Universalisation, Setting Limits, Confrontation, Reaching Out, Renewing Family Links, Improving Communication Patterns, Changing Attitudes. Listening as a tool is effective only if it is active and attentive to understand the client’s emotions and to know what she/he is conveying. Effective listening is facilitated by maintaining an eye contact with the client. Distractions, wool gathering and selective listening obstruct the listening process. Observation is used in casework to note the client’s facial expression, body language and signs of uneasiness in the process of interaction with the client. Relationship between the worker an the client is a professional one and is positive in nature. The positivity of the relationship is manifest in the rapport the caseworker has with the client. Home Visit is an instrument, which enables the social worker to verify the facts of the case being handled. It also conveys a message to the client about the social worker’s interest in his/her welfare. Sometimes home-visits can be be highly revealing and at times, may change the shape of the course. The facts me be turned upside down. Interview facilitates face-to-face interaction between the caseworker and the client. The objectives in such an interaction are to obtain information from the client or to impart some to the client, to study and assess the situation of the client’s problem unique to her/him and to give assistance. Drawing from the above case, first of all the caseworker had to evoke the confidence of the client since the constant victimization to the domestic violence had made her doubt her own capabilities. The client had to be told that she can regain her lost confidence by keeping herself busy and taking up a job. She was encouraged and motivated enough to take up the teaching job again. The caseworker has been working towards making provision for material help for the treatment of kids and for the required equipment so that she can take up tailoring work at home. The caseworker did a lot of advocacy work in Sanaa’s case such as visiting the hospital for procuring the certificate, meeting with the referral organization’s representatives for seeking financial assistance for the client. Many counseling techniques as Correcting Perception, Advice, Removing Guilt Feelings, Universalisation were made use of. In the beginning, when the Home-Visit was made the caseworker advised Sana a on the way to come out of her situation, how the agency would facilitate the process. When her son was taken for treatment, so due to waiting in the long queues and the whole documentation process of OPD treatment, Sanaa started feeling guilty that why did she marry in the first place, had she not married she would not have had to face such problems. In such a situation, she had to be told that marriage was not the fault and she does not need to be guilty about something for which she is not responsible. She was married off to a man, the background and other details of whom were not at all confirmed by her family. As it came to the caseworker’s amazement while talking to the client’s mother, the latter used to see a girl frequently in the locality and got acquainted with her and on her proposal, married off her daughter to her brother. When the caseworker asked the client to get an income proof from her school, without which she would not have received financial assistance from the referral organization, she did not do so for weeks despite repeated reminders. The social worker had to then step in and find out what the matter was and what came out was that she had a misconception about it. The client th ought that if she would submit an income proof, then she would not be provided any help since, according to her, they may think if she is earning then she does not need help. The caseworker then had to correct her perception that the income proof is a formality and because her income is meager to afford the treatment of her son she would definitely be provided with financial assistance. Once the client was very thwarted with herself. At that time, the caseworker brought to light the examples of many other woman who have been and who are in worse situation than hers. THEORETICAL APPROACHES USED The student trainee made use of the Empowerment and Advocacy Approach. It has been said that empowerment seeks to help clients gain power of decision and action over their own lives by reducing the effect of social or personal blocks to existing power, by increasing capacity and self-confidence to use power and by transferring power from the environment to clients. Advocacy seeks to represent the interests of the powerless clients to powerful individuals and structures. For Furlong, empowerment is an essential objective of casework because it avoids a crude polarization of social action and individualized perspectives, placing work with individuals and families in a context of concern for social objectives. In 1994, Anderson et al, presented a model of empowerment for social development in Africa concerned with the five dimensions of practice: personal, social, educational, economic and political. These dimensions are intertwined with each other and looking at them so allows people t o meet individual needs (personal power), improve their capacity to influence others (interpersonal power), which in turn creates an ability to influence the power distribution more widely (political power). Rees came up with a set of ideas with regard to empowerment, viz., a) biography b) power c) Political understanding d) Skills e) Interdependence of Policy and Practice. For Rees, the basic aim of empowerment is social justice, greater security, political and social equality to people, through mutual support and shared learning. Kondrat emphasized upon the value of local knowledge, specifically the one coming from the clients. One intricacy of advocacy lies in the duality of its interrelated meanings of ‘representation’. The representation in advocacy is in term of the acting and arguing for the interests of the clients. However, for Phillip (1979), advocacy entails ‘representation’ in terms of interpreting and displaying the value of clients to the powe rful groups in the society. Advocacy, in part, is said to be an aspect of empowerment, since it can be used to argue for resources, or change the interpretation which powerful groups make of clients. Anderson’s model of empowerment was crucial for application in Sanaa’s case, since socio-economic, personal and educational aspects were focused upon at the level of assessment as well as intervention. The caseworker also made use of Rees’s understanding of empowerment in terms of the Skill enhancement. The client’s tailoring skills was tapped on to enable her choose a suitable livelihood option. Advocacy work was also done by initiating the process of legal assistance and facilitating the process of financial assistance by MESCO. CHALLENGES, DILEMMAS RESISTANCE One of the challenges encountered was that not all three kids could be taken for consultation together since no one from the client’s family could accompany her to the hospital. So there was a lack in terms of human resources. Social Case Work Practice is a huge responsibility, especially when any form of medical intervention is involved, especially, when one’s target system involves infants. Another challenge was the unavailability of the prescribed medicines in municipal hospital’s pharmacy. Those who cannot afford to buy the expensive medicines from outside are not even able to start the treatment. At the macro level, this remains a big loophole in the health care sector of the country. It is an obstacle for the low-income group in accessing health care services. This also paralyses the government health care sector at a very basic level. Looking for a donor or an organisation where Sanaa’s case could be referred for another challenge. The biggest ethical dilemma was about the leaving the treatment process midway. The follow-up in the case is being planned to overcome the dilemma. The client has been very resistant to the idea of admitting the child in the hospital despite repeated reassurance that the financial assistance would be taken care of.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Primo Levi- Pain Retold, Is Pain Redoubled Essay -- essays research p
"Pain retold, is pain redoubled" What prompts someone to write about their suffering, and how do they convey a sense of their emotions to the reader? Primo Levi is a Holocaust war victim, a survivor from Auschwitz, who for years was plagued by guilt because he survived - a feeling that is passed on in Jewish tradition, which I understand being a fellow Jew. Jewish heritage is very important to all Jews; myself included, which is one reason why I can connect with the poet/author, his poems and his other works. Levi decided to write, rather than keep in, his feelings, and subsequently wrote both poetry, and a variety of prose, both fiction and autobiographical. The emotions in two of his poems, 'Shema' and 'The Survivor' are a melange of guilt, anger and sorrow. Levi feels guilt that he is living when so many he knew are dead, he is angry at how people are forgetting what happened less than 50 years ago, and also sad at what has passed. These emotions are portrayed through various means in 'Shema', the two most effective being repetition of certain thought-provoking words, "†¦empty eyes†¦empty womb†¦" "†¦cold heart†¦cold hand†¦" "†¦hard heart and eyes†¦hard like a rock†¦". These words give an impression of what Levi feels for his captors, while invoking numbness that makes it real. The harsh consonant sounds, "creating cages for captivity" invoke feelings of timidness because of the harsh attack from the words, even after it has been translated from the native Italian. Levi wrote other books, and in one (Survival In Auschwitz) it struck me how matter-of-factly he wrote down his observations. Although the subjects of his works are the horrors that he saw during his time in the Death-camps, Levi wrote it so people could learn what it was like, so Jews and non-Jews alike could witness the memoirs of a survivor. The description of the number tattooed on his arm, which functioned as an impromptu meal ticket, is registered as merely one more fact of life. "†¦We became used to showing our number promptly enough not to disorder the daily operation of food-distribution; weeks and months were needed to learn its sound in the German language." Levi documents the mundane life of the camp, a side that is not often seen, laying out his experiences with a reserve... ...te the past into the present and the future, to expand in knowledge. His works not only captivate and interest, but they convey a deeply personal sense of true experience that makes the stories special and real. From reading his works you not only understand the pain, guilt and anger, but also the need for repentance. Levi believes his repentance comes in telling and re-telling his story. His work serves as a reminder to everyone- not to let prejudice blind you against evil, to remind people of the great sorrow that happened, and not only does it educate and inform people, it also expresses feelings that should not be forgotten in case another Holocaust should happen. It serves as to inform people, or also remind them of what happened. It is his catharsis, and our education. Truly, his work is Shema: Listen. Biography: Calling of Kindred IL SISTEMA PERIODICO, 1975 - The Periodic Table SE QUESTO ? UN UOMO, 1947 - If This is a Man / Survival in Auschwitz AD ORA INCERTA- or- L'OSTERIA DI BREMA, collected poems Conversations with Primo Levi by Ferdinando Camon (1989) Quote: Chinese proverb, "The Wisdom of the Chinese Sages" published 1987.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace
Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Natalie Manuel Professor Thomas Whenever Intro to Business August 3, 2014 There are a few times where I experienced effective communication in a business environment. One time in particular, I believe everyone demonstrated communicating effectively. At work there is a lot of chaos at times because there aren't many plans or guidelines put in place for customers regarding certain aspects of the business. My co-worker and I decided to create a few documents that can be .NET to the customer in certain situations.I work for GE oil & gas and we deal with customers who may need/want to return their blower for many reasons. We created a ARM authorization return form to keep everything organized. The form was very detailed and provided all the information the customer needs as well as the important information we would need to process the return. Along with this form, we created a standard order checklist. A lot of times we receive cus tomer Pop's that has missing information, incorrect pricing, wrong export information or incorrect vendor information, among other things.We created a document that was meant to be distributed to all the distributors and Memo's. The documents were sent to all the sales reps for review. Immediately we were met with issues from them. This is where the communication came in. We set-up for there to be a conference call with us and the sales rep. Once we were able to have the meeting, all questions and concerns were put on the table. Having an open dialogue is important in business and in life. With this conference call, we were able to edit some of the statements on the comments.As well as take some things off. Once that was complete, we were able to send these forms out to the customers. From that point on the effect it had on the business was an increase productivity. There were less Pop send backs to customers for corrections. That pleased the customers so much! Pleasing the customer s is always the goal, they help the business grow. Most of the customers really appreciated the help that the forms provided them. Without the conference call, none of this would have been possible.It could have been easy to take the sales rep issues and ignore them. I see in business a lot that people and their ideas are ignored. It only causes tension and mistrust. We understood that none of this was personal. Everyone had a great interest in seeing the business grow. Talking things out, keeps misunderstandings to a minimum. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Effective communication should be the goal for all businesses. â€Å"Effective communication in the workplace helps employees and managers form highly efficient teams. Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Natalie Manuel Professor Thomas Whenever Intro to Business August 3, 2014 There are a few times where I experienced effective communication in a business environment. One time in particular, I believe everyone demonstrated communicating effectively. At work there is a lot of chaos at times because there aren't many plans or guidelines put in place for customers regarding certain aspects of the business. My co-worker and I decided to create a few documents that can be .NET to the customer in certain situations.I work for GE oil & gas and we deal with customers who may need/want to return their blower for many reasons. We created a ARM authorization return form to keep everything organized. The form was very detailed and provided all the information the customer needs as well as the important information we would need to process the return. Along with this form, we created a standard order checklist. A lot of times we receive cus tomer Pop's that has missing information, incorrect pricing, wrong export information or incorrect vendor information, among other things.We created a document that was meant to be distributed to all the distributors and Memo's. The documents were sent to all the sales reps for review. Immediately we were met with issues from them. This is where the communication came in. We set-up for there to be a conference call with us and the sales rep. Once we were able to have the meeting, all questions and concerns were put on the table. Having an open dialogue is important in business and in life. With this conference call, we were able to edit some of the statements on the comments.As well as take some things off. Once that was complete, we were able to send these forms out to the customers. From that point on the effect it had on the business was an increase productivity. There were less Pop send backs to customers for corrections. That pleased the customers so much! Pleasing the customer s is always the goal, they help the business grow. Most of the customers really appreciated the help that the forms provided them. Without the conference call, none of this would have been possible.It could have been easy to take the sales rep issues and ignore them. I see in business a lot that people and their ideas are ignored. It only causes tension and mistrust. We understood that none of this was personal. Everyone had a great interest in seeing the business grow. Talking things out, keeps misunderstandings to a minimum. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Effective communication should be the goal for all businesses. â€Å"Effective communication in the workplace helps employees and managers form highly efficient teams.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Should YouTube Comments Be Regulated
Should YouTube Comments Be Regulated YouTube comments are not regulated that is why YouTube has turned to the wall with offensive comments. People writing them should be somehow punished or banned. Our studies give the full picture of what is going on on YouTube. YouTube Comments: Keep Them Regulated! When was the last time you took a long, hard look at the comments on YouTube? They’re a real treat to read, aren’t they? Not exactly – rarely are these comments good-natured or written to encourage or applaud the person who posted the video. More so, many YouTube comments are quite hateful in nature, and they embarrass and chastise the poster – and these comments often go entirely too far. When it comes down to it, YouTube has been overrun by these harsh, often-racist and very ignorant, harmful and offensive comments. Something needs to be done, because these YouTube comments, yes, should be regulated and monitored; better yet, YouTube should have a function that regulates comments according to the individual’s preferences. SHOULD FUNNY CAT VIDEOS BE ALLOWED ON YOUTUBE? One way that YouTube could regulate comments and cater preferences for a user is by weeding out the use of explicit language in comments. Perhaps when signing in to YouTube for the first time, a user would be better served by picking or entering the words they do not wish to see, the type of language that offends them and their family; maybe a survey of some sort. This way, any comments bearing this kind of offensive language will not be seen by this user when one reads comments to videos they view. This service would actually further advance YouTube, as the comment preferences will retain (rather than repel) viewers and attract additional users and viewers. YouTube Should Eliminate Attacking Comments YouTube could also further regulate its Website’s content by eliminating comments that are negative or attacking in nature. These are the kind of senseless, mean-spirited, racist comments you see posted on Social Media all too much: words filled with hatred, envy or anger. Yes, people have their right to speak freely, but an everyday user should have the option to not see such language. Unless they want to engage in the discussion, as in offering their report or approval of such filth, they should have the ability, as a YouTube user, to filter out these kinds of comments that negative and argumentative in nature. This would require YouTube being regulated to a great extent, but it’s something necessary and worthwhile. YouTube could regulate its comments that possess a sexual nature, whether it is sexism, sexual harassment of another user or profanity in terms of sexual language. These types of comments should be regulated because a user has the right to let their young children view a YouTube video without fearing they will come across bad sexual language – language that children clearly are not mature enough to hear. Once again, everyone’s YouTube page should be different, with different preferences that range from adult control to language control. The user should be able to choose what they want to see and read on their personal YouTube page. If the Website makes money from advertisements sold by page views (made by the user), then the user should have a say in how they ultimately experience the product – because they are essentially the customers. Users Should Have the Choice of What to See To conclude this argument, that YouTube should regulate its millions of user comments, it’s important to consider the facts: Fact 1. A good portion of the people posting nasty, mean, anger-filled comments are teens and lazy, angry and jobless adults. This makes for a multitude of self-centered nonsense from ignorant people. Fact 2. People can post comments anonymously on YouTube, therefore, without consequence. A person can pretty much say anything they want on this Social Media platform and not have to fear to get any real punishment for their comments – other than feedback from other users. Fact 3. Also, every single living person has a right to avoid filthy, nonsensical and violent language – especially on such a highly esteemed website such as YouTube. Looking back over these facts, you will understand why YouTube must regulate its comments. It’s time for the user to have a little control over the kind of content they see on their Social Media pages – and that certainly includes YouTube. Users should have the choice of filtering their account’s preferences so that they will never have to see comments from others that do not pertain to or favor them, comments that are harsh and cruel in nature and utterly repugnant. There should be choices – YouTube is, after all, an American-based company with billions of International users. People in America have choices. You would think the Billion-Dollar website would be more open to choices.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Days of Old Medical essays
Days of Old Medical essays In days of old, it was a common site to see individuals peddling serums or devices that were purported to cure all your afflictions. Most of these claims were, of course, fraudulent but held a fascinating and alluring idea. Despite todays medical milieu, and the many advances made in medical technology since those days of covered wagons and street side pharmacies, humans are still searching for some way to cure the afflictions of the human condition. What if someone made the claim, much like those traveling serum sellers of old, that they could provide mankind with a simple solution for many medical conditions? The concept of magnetotherapy, or the treatment of ailments through the exposure to magnetic fields, has been presented as just a solution for many of todays medical woes such as musculoskelatal injuries, soft tissue trauma and pain associated with ailments such as arthritis. The description of the interactions of magnetic fields with ions, based on the findings presented by Faradays Law versus that of the Hall effect reveal that magnetic fields are not all the same. Magnetic fields are found in two primary states. The fields that magnets create are either static, as is the case with permanent magnets (such as magnets commonly found on a refrigerator), or dynamic as in the case of an electromagnet. Electromagnets allow the generated magnetic field to be more dynamic and therefore can be made to pulse or fluctuate at different frequencies or intervals. Magnetic fields are typically measured in units of energy called Teslas or Gauss. This measurement standard is used to indicate field strengths for both pulsing and static magnetic fields. Some researchers assert all magnetic fields render equivalent beneficial results; however, based on a study conducted by Dal Monte, Fontanesi, Cadossi, Poli, and Giancecchi as well as many other published works from other researchers, dynamic magnet ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Local Beaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Local Beaches - Essay Example Years later when I got married, my husband, who is from Virginia Beach, introduced me to the region where he grew up. I discovered that Virginia is a conservative state. The Virginia Beach area has a large military the presence, and conservative family values such as the ‘proper’ role of women in the home and church attendance are dominant. Virginia Beach, which is 35 miles of waterfront property, has three different beaches within the city. They are the Chesapeake Bay of the Virginia, Virginia Beach Resort area and Sandbridge. By comparing the beaches of my childhood with the beaches of my husband’s childhood, I was able to get a better sense of place and the type of people who might enjoy each location. The beaches of Virginia all have their own distinct personality. The section of Virginia Beach called the Chesapeake Bay area is for the person who is looking for tranquility and a more relaxed atmosphere. It is calmer, quieter and more laid back than many of the party beaches you see on TV. The traditional beach activities such as swimming, building sand castles, strolling along the beach and playing volleyball or throwing a football around are all a part of this scene. The Virginia Beach Resort area consists of a three mile concrete boardwalk. It has hotels, a few outdoor cafes and novelty shops. In addition, on the boardwalk there are roller-bladers, bikers, live music and street performers. There are many special events held here throughout the whole year.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analysis of the Research Concerning the Drop in Voters Turnout among Essay
Analysis of the Research Concerning the Drop in Voters Turnout among Young People - Essay Example Among the recommendations given were: to recognize and understand young people’s concerns; to work to increase political awareness and knowledge; to tackle the related issues of social and political exclusion among young people; to review the electoral system and the choices available to voters; to make electoral registration easier; to make voting easier. In order to address the situation, a campaign that aims to change the current attitudes and perceptions of these young people is necessary that will influence behaviors towards voting. The primary target audience in our case would be young people that belong to the age range 18-24, who are legally eligible to vote. This primary target audience will be the focus of our marketing communications messages. But we also have our secondary target audience is composed of a broader group, which is young people: this encompasses young people from ages 11-24. Given our primary target audience as the decision-makers of whose behaviors we want to influence towards voting, we need to identify the other members of our decision-making unit who would serve as influencers. First, we need to know who these people look up to. These can be opinion leaders that they admire and respect so much, such as celebrities like famous football players, young music icons, actors, and writers. Other potential influencers include peers, community leaders, parents and older siblings. These people also get information from their co-workers, classmates, university professors and tutors. The SWOT or strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats related to the election voting participation is determined and given a particular weight in order to determine what to prioritize. The higher the number, the more an item should be prioritized.
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