Monday, September 30, 2019
Orientalism as a lens to A Passage in India Essay
Orientalism is described by Edward Said as an integral part of European civilization and culture. Orientalism has been a part of the culture globally. The author of â€Å"Orientalismâ€Å" had used three types of definition in his essay. Academically, Said had defined Orientalism is as a label. Anyone who studies and seeks information about the Orient can be considered an Orientalist. He had also defined Orientalism as the study of the Orient. However, it can also be considered as an ideology based on â€Å"ontological and epistemological†difference between the Occident and the Orient like what the author did to the Passage to India. As stated in the text, the comparison of both worlds where the inland natives and the Europeans is clearly seen and differentiated. In the text, the author of the passage to India said that â€Å"Chandrapore was never large or beautiful, but two hundred years ago it lay on the road between Upper India, then Imperial and the sea, and the fine houses date from that period. †This passage shows that the author viewed the place as beautiful during the colonization period. Politically, it is a known fact that the Occident or the Western part of the globe (Europe) had dominated the Orient. This relationship gives a presence of power domination of the Occident against the Orient. Therefore as Said explains in his introduction, Orientalism is believed to be more of a sign of European Atlantic power over the orient. Furthermore Orientalism shows the superiority of the Westerners as a race, as described by Denys Hay. In the Passage to India, there had been a description regarding the democracy of the people who lives in Chandrapore. â€Å"The zest for decoration stopped in the eighteenth century, nor was it ever democratic. This only shows that the decorations and the like are dictated by the colonizer. The view of the author in â€Å"A Passage to India†only shows that the author sees the natives as nomads. Socially, the aspect of Orientalism is also studied by Said as an exchange between individual authors and the large political concerns from the three races who had colonized the Orient, namely British, French and Americans. The author describes the word Orientalism as a word that had been used by the west. Orientalism is seen as a system of citation from authors. The cultural role played by the Orient in the west had connected the word to the ideology, politics, the logic of power and relevance. The essay â€Å"A Passage to India†illustrates the difference of times from the colonization period and the present times. This is shown in the same passage shown above â€Å"Chandrapore was never large nor beautiful, but two hundred years ago it lay on the road†¦and the fine houses date from that period. The zest for decoration stopped, nor was it ever democratic. From this passage, the author shows that in the eighteenth century, fine houses and decorations are mandated by the colonizers during that time. It had described the times before as the glorious years and as such prosperous and a very profitable city. However, the author believes that through time, there are several changes that had made the city that way in the present. As such the author describes the place as lifeless and unholy, this is so because there was a note in the passage in the first paragraph that â€Å"Ganges is not holy here†. The river Ganges is considered as a holy place in India. Through that statement it shows that the author perceives the city of Chandrapore as an unholy place. Furthermore, it can also be understood from the writing style of the author that the only beautiful sight that can behold in a distance are the houses of the Europeans. This can be further verified in the passage â€Å"Inland, prospect alters. There is an oval maidan and a†¦hospital, houses belonging to Eurasians stand on the high ground†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The passage only shows that because the houses are built in high ground it is obvious that the author describes this places as high society. It also describe that the Europeans are the ones who are benefiting from the land of India. This is so because in the passage written next to the description of the European Houses is the comparison of Chandrapore. It can be seen in this passage â€Å"†¦second rise is laid out in the Civil Station and viewed hence Chandrapre appears to be a totally different place†¦It is no city but a forest sparsely scattered with huts. †This only show that the foreigners live in concrete houses in the city, while the original inhabitants of India live in mud huts in the forest. The Introduction of Orientalism written by Said and A Passage to India can be related in terms of the British Colonization. Edward Said describes the superiority of the Westerners against Oriental Culture. It is evident that the British had colonized India in a very long time. The term Orientalism shows the superiority of the Western Race against India. On the other hand, the essay A Passage to India shows the superiority of the westerners in terms of the beautiful houses and distinctive buildings seen from the European Communities as compared to those of who lived in India. It is evident in both essays that they are showing the inferiority of the people in the Orient and at the same time the people in the Orient are not doing anything to argue the point. Based on the different descriptions of the places and knowledge that both authors share, it can be seen that they see the Orient as a very prosperous place that is rich in culture. Both authors think that the Westerners had exploited this riches to their benefit. Political issues can be seen in the description of both authors in the text. In the Orientalism essay, Edward Said thinks that Orientalism represents the opposite of the Occident. If the Occident is very advanced, that is how Orientalism is backward in its ideologies and technology. On the other hand, in A passage to India, it can be seen in the description of the text. The place where Eurasians lived were described as a city with complete amenities such as the hospital and houses. However, on the other side of the land is Chandrapore, which the author describes as a city of gardens. This could mean that the author sees that the Eurasians live in houses while the Indians live in the forest. As a conclusion, both authors are partly right in their claim that Orientalism had been a word used by the Westerners to show their superiority over the Orient as stated by Said in Orientalism. This domination is also seen in the essay â€Å"A Passage to India†. As mentioned in the essay â€Å"A Passage to India†, Europeans had created an environment that is prosperous compared to where the Indians reside. However, it must be noted that the Oriental people had been the ones who had let the colonization happened. The thinking of the Orients and the Westerners are different in terms of colonization. Orientalism can be a very strong word and as the author said this is an ideology of the Orient and as such, the word must not be used as a representation of who is superior over the other. A Passage to India had shown the different ways of life before and also the different lifestyles that the colonizers and original inhabitants of the place. The essay of the A Passage to India can be patterned after the Orientalism of Said in a different way, Orientalism showed the difference of both worlds through culture, A Passage to India showed the difference through the lifestyles. As such, one can conclude that the Orient had let the domination of the Westerners happen. In other words it can also be described that the Orients had welcomed the invasion of the Westerners because they had given additional knowledge, culture and beliefs to the Orients. In order to assess the true meaning of the word Orientalism and to further see the true image of the Orient, one must consider the cultural aspects before the Westerners had come to the Orient. The knowledge, political and social systems of the Orient can only be seen from the eyes of the people who live there. When the Westerners came, the Orient had been influenced in their political systems and social status. This in turn has given the authors of both essays the idea that the Westerners show their superiority through the illustration different cultures and ways of life by the Westerners.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Mang Inasal Essay
I. Background of the Company MANG INASAL – Philippine’s fastest growing barbeque fast food chain, serving chicken, pork barbeque and other Filipino favorites, was first established on December 12, 2003 in Iloilo City.  Mang Inasal comes from two word’s MANG – Local word for â€Å"Mister†and INASAL – Ilonggo word for barbecue, a popular dish in Visayas. MangInasal – is a Pinoy quick-service restaurant that originated in the City of Iloilo and was able to compete with other existing food chains nationwide. Currently, there are 464 branches nationwide and with over 10,000 employees system wide. MANG INASAL is doing its share in alleviating the unemployment burden of the country. The presence of every MANG INASAL in a certain area provides not only employment but also opportunities to community members including suppliers of kalamansi, charcoal, banana leaves, vegetables, bamboo sticks, and other ingredients. It also indirectly gives income – generating act ivities to many. MILESTONE: * Mang Inasal’s First Company Owned store: Robinson’s Place Iloilo on December 12, 2003 * First store in Manila: SM Mall of Asia on September 15, 2006 * 100th Store at Kalibo on January 9, 2009 * 200th Store Plaza Miranda Quiapo December 21, 2009 On its 6thyear, Mang Inasal built a total of100 stores in one year from 2008 to 2009. Mang Inasal capitalized on giving livelihood to the people around its surrounding communities Mang Inasal has set a significant example of using environmental friendly materials in its operations. Vision Statement * To be the 2nd largest QSR in the Philippines by year 2020. Mission * To consistently provide our customers with a â€Å"solb, alagang pinoy†experience everyday. Mang Inasal Core Values * Costumer Focus * Excellence * Respect for the Individual * Teamwork * Spirit of Family and Fun * Honesty and Integrity * Frugality * Sense of Ownership * Humility to Listen and Learn
Friday, September 27, 2019
Thomas Green case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Thomas Green - Case Study Example These played no small part in him getting noticed by the division vice president Shannon McDonald who eventually selected him for position of Senior Market specialist, bypassing the decision of his immediate boss Frank Davis. While not stated explicitly in the case, the understatement was that this decision could have set a negative tone in Davis and Green’s relationship from the start as Davis’ authority was undermined. This becomes an important point as the first few months of Green’s new job are filled with manager-employee conflicts leading to a threat to his job. Throughout the case we can identify several specific areas of Management principles which had the most influence in Green’s performance and his Marketing director’s dissatisfaction with his work and the tensions which arose. An organization culture refers to a set of shared values, customs and work style which is followed within any organization. The cultural aspects may be on the surface or deep level but they are accepted by employees and created according to the principles set by the top management. From the start, it seemed Green was unaware or unwilling to follow the set culture after his new promotion. From the case we get the evidence that a lot of importance was given to documentation, use of visual media and constant interaction between employees and supervisors in the department. The company prefers programmed decisions with the correct information, facts and data available for customer presentations- it is not a culture which would supports innovation and out-of-the-box thinking without the approval of your boss and some concrete data to support the process. These things were made clear to Green in the very first week of his work when he had several meetings with Davis who explained to him that while his ideas were good, what was expected was that there would be proper research and figures included when these ideas were presented to the clients. However, as we see in
Sources of Communication Inputs and Their Influences in Daily Life Essay
Sources of Communication Inputs and Their Influences in Daily Life - Essay Example The only thing in this world that is constant is change. This is a pretty well known saying which existed as long as I can remember. Looking back 50 years and more from today, I can recall how we used to tackle in class about how people have lived centuries ago. Today, the upsurge of developments in technology has an undeniable effect on how organizations function within and with other institutions. For an organization, its success and failure greatly depends on how the organization was structured to work. The drive to improve peoples living pattern is still the same drive or factor which triggers international firms to globalize their operations and with that, today's latest technology makes the company's and consumers life easier It enable companies to reduce cost by using powerful equipment and machineries while consumers can have easier access to the newest products in the market. One of the first innovations of technology was the mainframe system and it was during the 1960's that computers and such started to impart in organizations and firms. The classic ways of hierarchal management systems started to disintegrate during these times. Through technological change, globalizing the operations of an international company could put up a plantation where they can reduce their labor cost. Not denying the fact that different people from different countries have different tastes, international companies could also personalize their products according to the consumers or markets preferences without eliminating their standards and trademark. Before, information control was basically handled by those in managerial positions in a linear manner according to rank. With these systems of technology, information was handled as such that company transparency is relatively existent for those who can get hold of certain information. The onslaught of developments in technology has triggered organizational structure alterations. These changes can be illustrated by considering two key variables: the location of information and the location of decision rights in the organization (Brynjolfsson E. and H. Mendelsson). With the innovative technological systems today, important information can now possibly be available to all employees or workers in an organization at all level. Before, information handling and privilege was limited to the persons that directly handle them. Now, the responsibility of handling information is left to information technologists or technicians. The technicians then put data or information into databases which are accessible to all components of the organization For example, an organization can have a website, regularly maintained and updated by professional information technologists. Here, employees, managers and customers alike, can log on to the website and access whatever information they needed. Furthermore, having websites is also a great advantage since helpful feedbacks are easier to get from both customers and employees. The growing need for technology innovations paves way to strengthening certain industries in a corporate world; like data management services, computer engineers, information technologists, software designers or engineers and so on and so forth. Although there are still organizations or companies that are hesitant to use information techn
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Human Resources Managment - Challenges and Changes Essay
Human Resources Managment - Challenges and Changes - Essay Example As the paper highlights, let us now discuss the factors that determine the recruitment of the in-demand employees. The demand analysis is done to identify the future demands in the organization and accordingly consider the recruitment functions. There are two ways to consider the recruitment of in-demand employees. The first way is to determine the requirements through environmental scanning and understanding the external trends and secondly, by studying the internal factors of the organization such as the business operation functions, technology or strategic objectives. After determining the how and what of the future tasks, the in-demand employees are recruited. Another issue that is often seen in health care industry nowadays is reorganizing, reengineering and restructuring. It does have a major impact on the health care workforce within the organization. The effect in this industry is considered as ripple-down effect. The human resource are enforced to manage their duties with th e stipulated resources, decrease the cost by eliminating wastage and inefficiencies, highlight their competencies on preventing diseases and health issues, and improve the quality of their services. However, all these changes in the framework require quick adaptation of the new roles and qualities. Restructuring is done to eliminate medical errors, staffing development in the health care, etc. It has been seen that the organizations including the health care industry often downsize to reduce their internal cost. The best example was seen in the global financial crisis. However, the question is that, does it save the organization or its money in any case or proves to be fatal for the organization.Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Interpersonal Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example There are some ways through which this conflict can be stated as good. For instance, this conflict shall influence all team members to be focused on group work. On the other hand, it would also be beneficial in individual context since team members shall be more responsible.Different individuals do not perceive things in same manner. I might consider things from completely different perspective which is not aligned with viewpoint of other team members. This can also be one of the reasons behind identified interpersonal conflict.There was prolonged conflict because I believed that there was no fault of mine. I did not communicate with my team member appropriately to determine the reasons behind such behavior. I kept on arguing in that situation where understanding was essential between both of us.I did possess a set of realistic goals in this scenario. We all were putting in our efforts so that we succeed in our career path. The only objective of mine in this argument was to make him realize that apart from expertise, professionalism is a key criterion to achieve set performance standards.I was to certain extent trying to win this conflict because my team member was reluctant to accept his fault. The disagreement continued because I could not trust his unrealistic excuses for not attending group presentation on time.Conflict resolution can be considered as a critical phenomenon. This is simply because it is difficult to predict behavior of an individual with whom one has entered into a conflict.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Health Law and Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Health Law and Regulations - Essay Example In general, these policies aim at observing quality, enabling access, controlling competition and costs and improve the healthcare industry. Regulations of healthcare physicians and practitioners Healthcare physicians go down in history as the entities in health care that first began experiencing regulations. The first form of regulation is licensing that under America’s federalism is an assignment to the states. No healthcare professional can practice in the United States without having a license. For one to acquire a license they must be graduates from accredited medical schools and in addition, the state administers an examination to gauge the capability of the aspiring practitioner. The most stringent of these regulations lie in the American Medical Association that requires the professional to complete four years in medical training, an extra year in basic sciences training and a final year in medical internship. In addition to licensing and qualification, these practitio ners should not discriminate against anyone based on religion, origin, or color and the regulating bodies have the power to discipline or suspended violators of these laws and regulations (Field, 2007). ... in order to acquire accreditation if they qualify, with the oversight manned by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Field, 2007). Regulations of health care finances Today, state or federal governments cater for the insurance demands of half of the total insured American population amongst them the aged, disabled and civil servants. The rest remains under the covers of private insurance, health financiers experiencing extreme regulation. The regulating body incorporate private insurers into government mandates, and in addition regulate coverage terms, prices, and the rates they offer. In some instances, the governments give grants to private NGO’s that depict ability to provide financial services in creditable manners. In all the states, the government runs its own healthcare organizations that offer services to enable patients, and every staff in these hospitals must be from that very state (Field, 2007). Regulations of pharmaceutical acts The f ederal agency, the Food and Drug Administration, implement regulations on drugs, food, and cosmetics to prevent against recurrence of the 1938 poisoning that claimed 100 children’s lives and the 1962 drug tragedy that resulted in women giving birth to babies with deformities. Regulation ensures that unsafe or products not approved by the FDA do not get to the consumers and in the case of law, the bodies oversee to it that victims of pharmaceutical blunders get recourse from the courts and the liable manufacturers compensates them. For instance, it is a requirement to have all drugs labeled as per their uses and prescription (Field, 2007). Medical liabilities A liability system ensures all medical entities are answerable for harmful consequences on patients that result of ignorance,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business analytics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business analytics - Assignment Example Without clear understanding of the data, it is very difficult to collect clear requirement and set both specifications and expectations. Data must be clearly defined and understood to be leveraged by any platform. It is true that a proper understanding of requirements and specifications is necessary for the success of a business analytics project. This would ensure that the analyst and the client are on the same line of thought before the project starts. Clear understanding of the data is also a must, since it is impractical to provide an analytical solution using data which you do not understand. Project scope creep (assuming clear expectations and corresponding specifications) is the biggest risk. If all of the important pieces are covered, scope creep can cause delay, missed development milestones, design flaws and an ultimately late, over budget and incomplete project. The writer does not seem to have an understanding of project scope creep. Scope creep occurs when the scope of a project changes, in most cases grows, during development. With objectives and requirements properly specified at the beginning of the project, this should not be an issue a) A clear ability to translate and interpret business requirements into technical ideas: I have found that this soft skill is absolutely necessary in the age of portable, mobile, agile and high volume analytics. There is no really ability to encapsulate technical staff from business users and the direct communication between the two can heavily influence success and trust. b) A solid understand of SQL(and NoSQL methods if appropriate), data relationships, and basic database design: all solid analytics professionals should have good SQL skills and a solid ability to explore, understand and prototype data. This gives them a significant head start when discussing and analyzing requirements and designs. c) An ability to frame and bracket an analytics problem and isolate
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Simplex Solution Method Essay Example for Free
The Simplex Solution Method Essay The simplex method is a general mathematical solution technique for solving linear programming problems. In the simplex method, the model is put into the form of a table, and then a number of mathematical steps are performed on the table. These mathematical steps in effect replicate the process in graphical analysis of moving from one extreme point on the solution boundary to another. However, unlike the graphical method, in which we could simply search through all the solution points to find the best one, the simplex method moves from one better solution to another until the best one is found, and then it stops. The manual solution of a linear programming model using the simplex method can be a lengthy and tedious process.Years ago, manual application of the simplex method was the only means for solving a linear programming problem. Now computer solution is certainly preferred. However, knowledge of the simplex method can greatly enhance one’s understanding of linear programming. Computer software programs like QM for Windows or Excel spreadsheets provide solutions to linear programming problems, but they do not convey an in-depth understanding of how those solutions are derived. To a certain extent, graphical analysis provides an understanding of the solution process, and knowledge of the simplex method further expands on that understanding. In fact, computer solutions are usually derived using the simplex method. As a result, much of the terminology and notation used in computer software comes from the simplex method. Thus, for those students of management science who desire a more in-depth knowledge of linear programming, it is beneficial to study the simplex solution method as provided here.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Evaluation of the commercialization Essay Example for Free
Evaluation of the commercialization Essay This paper discusses and evaluates both the negative and positive aspects and raised controversial issues regarding Bt-Corn, a transgenic maize developed through genetic engineering and biotechnology methods, and will finally conclude that the commercialization of Bt-Corn breeds for the past 14 years have been both economically advantageous and beneficial for the environment. The purpose of this paper is to further educate and inform the general audience regarding issues relating with genetically modified organisms and will try to disprove negative speculation and ambiguity with statistical data and experimental evidence. Introduction Recent development and advances in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering has enabled scientists today to improve crop varieties through alteration of their most fundamental building blocks, their DNA. These alterations of the genetic material allow scientists and researchers to develop ‘new species’ and breeds of organisms which posses certain altered favored traits, which would not otherwise naturally exist in the organism. (Peairs, 2007) However, there is much ambiguity and controversies surrounding the whole field of genetic engineering of organisms and their commercialization. Bt-corn, a breed of transgenic maize whose genetic material has been altered to include the ability to produce a certain toxin that has specific insecticidal property against pests, has been commercialized now for several years in the US and also in several other countries such as Canada, Germany, Spain, Argentina, Honduras, South Africa and the Philippines. (Wu, 2006) The prefix ‘Bt’ from Bt-Corn originates from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a species of soil bacterium that produces the insecticidal crystal protein or delta endotoxins, toxins that kill crop pests. Genetic engineering has allowed scientists to take the single gene that controls the production of the delta endotoxins from Bt, create a modified version of it and synthesize it with the DNA of selected corn species using recombinant DNA technology. This new set of ‘genetic code’ allows the plant to produce the delta endotoxins by itself; hence it is able to repel crop pests by itself. This newly acquired attribute is like a miracle for farmers, not just corn farmers since the insecticidal attribute of ‘Bt’ has also been implemented in several other crops such as Bt-potatoes and Bt-sweet corn. However, there have been several issues raised against the commercialization of Bt-corn in recent years due to investigations, which reveals how Bt-corn pollen proves to be lethal to other species of organisms that are not considered as pests. (Peairs, 2007) This paper will discuss, evaluate and finally demonstrate how the commercialization of Bt-Corn breeds is overall both economically efficient and beneficial for the environment through the following points: * Origins of Bt and Bt-Corn * Mode of action of Bt toxins Economical and environmental advantages of Bt-Corn * FDA regulations on genetically modified organisms * Controversies and issues raised * Evaluation Origins of Bt and Bt-Corn As previously stated above, Bt-Corn is a breed of transgenic maize whose genetic material have been altered and combined with the insecticidal crystal protein-producing trait of the common naturally occurring soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis. Shigetane Ishiwata, a Japanese biologist, was the first to discover Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) in 1901. However, it was not until Ernst Berliner rediscovered it in 1911 in Thuringia, Germany, that the bacterium was named Bacillus thuringiensis. In 1938 a French company started commercially producing the combination of the bacterium and its toxin crystals as a pesticide, calling it Sporeine, and in the 1950’s American organic farmers started using Bt on their crops as a way to control pest. (Aroian) As research methods improved (1960’s) and new Bt species were found producing thousands of other specific toxic proteins, more and more farmers started to use Bt. However, it was not until advancements in genetics and genetic engineering in the 1990’s that researchers were able to detect and isolate the specific genes that trigger production of the toxins and transfer it into certain species of crops, such as Bt-Corn. The first Bt crop that was registered with the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), which allowed for its commercialization, is the Bt-Corn. (Aroian) In 2004, Bt-Corn comprises more than ? of the total acres of cornfields in the United States itself. Wu, 2006) According to Clive James, the chair of the ISAAA (International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications), today (2002) the total Bt-Corn fields in the world approximates to 25 million acres. (James, 2002) Mode of actions of Bt toxins Bacillus thuringiensis produces certain proteins, categorized as crystal proteins, which are very specific, well known for its ability to target and inhibit specific metabolic processes of certain speci es of organisms, mainly insects. Investigations have revealed that most of these insecticidal crystal proteins, when activated (when they come into contact with their specific host), attaches itself to the epithelium cells of the gut of the insects and causes the generation of pores in the cell membranes. These pores in the membranes of the epithelium cells, outermost cells that line the surfaces of structures, such as the gut, of organisms, disrupts the osmotic balance of the cells, causing them to swell and lyse. (Hofte, 1989) In simpler terms, basically these proteins (toxins) cause imbalance of water absorption (osmotic imbalance) in the cells of the ‘organs’ of specific insects, which causes these cells to swell and break (lyse). They are also very specific and selective on the species of insects they are able to affect, making Bt toxins potent in eradicating pests while being relatively harmless towards other organisms. There is substantial evidence that the toxins (insecticidal crystal proteins) are not harmful to human health nor are they detrimental for the health of vertebrates (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, bony fish and sharks). According to Peairs, these toxins are considered to be very selective and very safe for humans and non-targeted organisms when compared to the most conventional and common pesticides used nowadays since they only attack certain groups of insects. (Peairs, 2007) Economical and environmental advantages of Bt-Corn It has been several years now, more than a decade, since the commercialization of Bt-Corn breeds and now more than ever, we are able to see statistical data and actual evidence that overall, using Bt-Corn is both economically efficient and beneficial for the environment. Economic advantages of Bt-Corn According to a study by Brookes, there have been substantial net economic benefits at the farms, totaling up to $5 billion in 2005 and $27 billion during the first decade (1996-2005) of the commercialization of genetically engineered crops. For the genetically engineered maize species, including Bt-Corn and other forms of genetically modified corn, boosted farm incomes by over $3. 1 billion since 1996. In the United States alone genetically modified maize crop income benefits accumulates to a little under $2. 3 billion, which is about 88% of the world GM maize crop income. (Brookes, 2006) The main reason for its economic advantage is its ability to produce higher yields of the same, or even better, quality of produce compared to ‘organic’ corn because two reasons. The first reason is that since pests are not lured to the crop, they unhindered and are able to flourish and produce more yields. The second reason is that the ability to self-pro duce insecticidal toxins allows farmers to cut down costs to maintain the crop since they do not have to purchase massive amounts of pesticide. This also means that less time will be spent on crop walking and the application of pesticides and herbicides, less usage of energy associated with less spraying, savings in costs of machinery and machinery usage (from less spraying and reduced harvest times) and also the unseen benefits in the health and safety of farm workers that is caused by handling pesticides. (Brookes, 2006) Environmental advantages of Bt-Corn The usage of Bt-Corn allows farmers to stop the usage of environmentally hazardous chemicals, may it be pesticides or herbicides. Overall between the years 1996 and 2005, GM crops have caused the net reduction in the environmental impact on the cropping area by 15. 3% while the total volume of active ingredient usage has also been reduced by 7%. Specifically in the GM maize sector there have been a net reduction in the environmental impact on the cropping area by 4. 6% through the reduction of pesticide usage and another net decrease in 4% in the environmental impact through the usage of more environmentally benign herbicides. Brookes, 2006) There has also been a decrease in greenhouse gasses emission; excess greenhouse gasses emission is a factor contributing to global warming. Brookes states in his article, that the two main reasons for the decrease in green house gasses emission is due to two factors. The first being reduced fuel usage from the less frequent need of using pesticides and herbicides applications (machinery used for spraying). From 1996 to 2005, it is estimated that there has been a reduction i n carbon dioxide emission of 4,613 million kg, calculated from the reduced fuel usage of 1,679 liters. In comparison, the permanent carbon dioxide savings from reduced fuel usage from 1996 to 2005 by planting GM crops is equivalent to the removal of 2. 05 million cars from the road for one year, assuming that a car does an average of 15,000 km per year, producing 2,250 kg of CO2 per year based on the fact that an average family car produces 150 grams of CO2 every km. (Brookes, 2006) FDA regulations on genetically modified organisms With the development in genetic engineering and biotechnology there is urgency and a need to both control and oversee products and methods used, especially relating with food products. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are the three main supervisors of genetically modified foods. The FDA, the official government agency in charge of regulating food, drug and cosmetic laws and ensuring safety of food (other than meat), food additives, medicines, medical devices, veterinary drugs, cosmetics and genetically modified food products, plays the major role in the actual ‘screening’ of products that are available for the public. The FDA categorizes genetically modified food products under the ‘GRAS’ list; the GRAS list comprise of products that are ‘generally recognized as safe’, which demands the manufacturers to be responsible for the safety of their own products, allowing them to place products into the market without pre-approval of the FDA because whole foods are GRAS. Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed or unrefined such as unprocessed meat, poultry and fish, fruits and vegetables, and non-homogenized milk (basically unprocessed milk; straight from the animal). The manufacturer bears responsibility for ensuring the product is not adulterated or misbranded. However if there is proof that the product is adulterated, or detrimental to human health (animal health for animal products), then the products may be taken back from the market and the manufacturer may be prosecuted. (Gertsberg, 2009) Controversies and issues raised The development and continuation of research in the whole issue regarding genetic engineering of any organisms itself raises much issues. However, most of the issues raised within the field of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are issues regarding perspective and ethics, since there is much fear and ambiguity that most people feel when they think and speak about this issue. Controversies with genetic engineering There are not enough, if there are any, substantial, academic, plain physical experimental proof that genetically modified organisms are hazardous to both the health of humans and the environment. The main issues raised regarding GMOs are that there is a risk there new allergens will arise from the ‘unknown’ effects of combining different DNA sequences with each other, increased toxicity levels in organisms do to a faster metabolism, the possibility of unwanted/unintended gene transfer between different species, loss of biodiversity and basically unknown possible effects on different organisms related. (Turner, 2007) There are also several other ethical issues raised, such as the monopoly of world food production by several ompanies, problems with intellectual property and non-mandatory labeling, which is the case in the United States. Non-mandatory labeling violates the rights of consumers to choose between ‘organic foods’ and genetically engineered foods. Monarch butterfly issue and Bt-Corn Several years ago, an issue was raised regarding how non-pest (non-targeted) species of organisms, the Monarch butterfly species in this case, were affected by t he delta endotoxins contained in the pollen of a certain species of Bt-Corn. The issue revolves around how Monarch butterflies population was in danger of being killed through the poisoning by the Bt toxins. Monarch butterflies would migrate and lay their eggs on areas near the Bt-Corn fields. Their larvae feed on milkweed plants, a species of plants that grow in same regions as the Bt-Corn. However, Bt-Corn pollen would scatter throughout the area and lay on these leaves. Several investigations revealed some mortality in Monarch butterfly caterpillars that consume these pollen-covered milkweed leaves. (Peairs, 2007) Following the recent controversy, a number of private parties assembled and conducted workshops and investigations regarding this issue sponsored by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the United States. Scientists and researchers were assembled from U. S. and Canadian universities, ARS members and several other environmental organizations, in a joint effort to prove whether the issue has a scientific basis. (Hellmich, 2008) Laboratory experiments done with pure Crystal toxins (Bt toxins) mixed with artificial diets revealed that a certain type of Cry toxin, Cry1Ab, was harmful to Monarch caterpillars but other types of the Cry toxins were not toxic to them. Field studies done along with lab experiments conclude that there were not any adverse effects observed on the Monarch caterpillars who fed on milkweed leaves dusted with natural levels of the commonly found Bt-Corn pollen species. All but the single Cry toxin proved to be safe. The results of this experiment caused for the termination of the production of Bt-Corn species 176, which expressed high amounts of Cry1Ab toxins. (Hellmich, 2008) Several other studies were conducted to compare between the mortality of Monarch caterpillars in agricultural and non-agricultural habitats, where there aren’t any Bt-Corn species in the area. Results from this experiment show no significant differences in mortality rates of the caterpillars. (Hellmich, 2008) Another study conducted compared the mortality rates of Monarch caterpillars exposed to Bt-Corn species and ‘organic’ corn species with the commonly used pesticide, cyhalothrin. Experimentations revealed how, â€Å"†¦nearly all monarch larvae on milkweed plants inside the field were killed. †Hence Bt-Corn is safer than traditional commercial insecticides and pesticides. (Hellmich, 2008) The final risk assessment brought forth by Hellmich regarding the Monarch population and Bt-Corn is that the risks are negligible since exposure of the Monarch caterpillars to Bt-Corn pollen is low. Furthermore, the current commercially available Bt-Corn species and hybrids revealed low toxicity. Hellmich concludes that, â€Å"The bottom line from these studies is that all commercial Bt corn hybrids have negligible effects on populations of monarch butterflies, especially when compared with traditional insecticides. †(Hellmich, 2008) Evaluation In conclusion, through research and investigations conducted by researchers across the world, we can see how the commercialization of Bt-Corn for past 14 years have significantly benefitted both society and the environment through the ability of farmers to cut down costs, usage of energy, fuel and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, increase in yields and decrease in the use of harmful chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. We also see that most of the issues raised surrounding the issue of Bt-Corn and genetically engineered organisms are mostly just a matter of perspective and preferences. Lack of education and an open perspective regarding genetically modified organisms is the main hindrance towards improvements in the current agricultural field.
Friday, September 20, 2019
BOH Tea And Consumer Behavior
BOH Tea And Consumer Behavior BOH Plantation Sdn Bhd was found by John Archibald Russell in the year 1929, together with A.B. Milne, a veteran in tea planting from Ceylon they succeeded in obtaining a concession of land in Cameron Highland in order to start the tea plantation business. Together the duo transforms steep jungles slopes into a tea garden known as BOH Plantations, which is the 1st highland tea garden in the country. BOH Plantations business begins to bloom and currently is the leading tea grower in the country. The plantation expanded and owns four tea gardens, of which three is located 5000 ft above sea level and is situated in Cameron Highlands, and the fourth is centralizing in Bukit Cheeding, Selangor. Collectively, the gardens size in total is 1200ha. BOH Plantation has been firmly entrenched that most Malaysia drinks BOH tea moe re than any other brand. BOH tea are available in 3 different forms ( tea packets, tea bags, tea dust). The company currently produces 4 million kg of tea in a year. Malaysian consumes 10million kg of tea which makes BOH tea largest producer locally of black tea, in terms of cuppage, BOH tea produces about 5.5 million per day which almost meets 50% of tea consumption requirement in the country. The success story of BOH Plantation continues to be Malaysias leading brand in tea and is also exporting to Brunei, Japan, Singapore, United Arab Emirates and also the US. Consumer Decision Process BOH tea Consumer Decision Process is basically known as a cognitive process. Consumer is aware of a need or wants and search for possible ways to satisfy it. Awareness of consumer is not an automatic process; it is actually selective external procedure. Example, consumers are expose to thousands of messages that persuades them from advertising, political organization, religious groups , food products and many more other resources. This mass information that seeks out consumer attention then filtered out by individual in order to make the decision in buying a product. In order for a consumer to purchase a product, he or she has to go through the 5 stages of consumer decision process. These 5 stages of consumer decision making process are very important for consumer to make an accurate decision in satisfying their needs and wants. The stages flow in sequence beginning with problem recognition and ending with post-purchase evaluation. The 5 stages are as graph above: Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation and Selection of Alternatives Decision Implementation Post-purchase Evaluation Problem Recognition The consumer decision process begins when a consumer is aware of satisfying their needs or wants. Example, Jason might need a new football shoe to replace the old depreciated one or Sarah need s a new computer to replace the her old want which is not performing as well as it was before. These kind of problem shows that consumer have recognized and identify their problem such as actual state and desired state. BOH tea inspires the consumer by tackling the health benefits of drinking tea and how BOH provides quality and innovative tea products. For the past decade, health benefits have caught the attention of the wide coverage of media. Numerous studies have shown that the antioxidant polyphenols of tea has the anti-cancer properties and also able to reduce the risk of gastric, and also skin cancer. This health benefits has increase the demand of tea in the market. Prevention is better than cure; this statement has drive consumers to seek for solution in reducing the chance of getting sick and that is mainly the problem face by consumer. This is where tea becomes the problem solver. This is where BOH tea as Malaysian leading brand provides with high quality tea that satisfies and produce a healthier lifestyle for the consumer in Malaysia. Tea may protect cancer caused by smoking Tea drinker has lower blood pressure Green, Black and Oolong tea Tea can lower cholesterol level and protect against heart diseases Tea believed to boost the bodys defense system Health benefits from consuming tea ( Information Research When consumers identify a problem, they will find ways to solve the problems. Example, Sarah would pay more attention to product information of a personal computer. She will be more aware and attentive towards computer advertisement, friends choice of computer brand, and online information regarding different brand of computer. In the process of gathering this information , Sarah as a consumer will began to learn more about the brands of computers that compete in the market and their features and characteristic that satisfy the needs and wants of various consumer. However, awareness itself is not strong enough to guarantee the continuation of process decision making, unless he or she believes that there is a solution to solve their problem. If high level of involvement is engagement, consumer will advance to seek more resources regarding the product that they want. Internal and external search take place within consumer memory system. In the case of BOH tea, since it is the leading t ea brand in Malaysia it is important to strengthen the brands leadership by capturing the attention of consumer through innovative tea products. BOH tea has to provide extensive information about their quality and innovative tea products, in order for consumer to obtain knowledge of their tea easily Internal Research Internal research is an attempt to seek information in the form of pre-existing knowledge such as attitudes and beliefs of the problem. However, if the problem is new to the consumer, then it is inadequate to make the decision making and external research is a necessity. This research is not entirely resourceful because consumer might be unable to recall the reason of purchasing the product or opinion made during the consumption process. In order for BOH tea to leave a good impression, their catchy phrase ada Ummph which literally means more than words can describe kind of feeling to show the great quality of tea that is produce by BOH tea. This phrase will strongly register the brands name in the mind of consumer, so that the next time they want to purchase tea, BOH tea will be their 1st choice as the ada Ummph phrase shows that consumer will never regret in consuming their tea . External Research External research provides more resourceful information from organization, friends, families, society and many more. Consumer are willing to access for secondary information from online resources, advertisement, brochures and many more in order to provide them with the excess knowledge to purchase the computer of their choice. Tea drinker in Malaysia will not escape the attention of BOH tea, as their product can be obtained from most retail outlets. BOH tea has also promoted their tea in the form of newspaper advertisement, television commercial, and also campaigns. BOH tea promotes their tea with bonding with love ones by creating moments of togetherness with loved ones. This is to show that a cup of tea can unite everyone together without any restriction . All this information plays an important role in the mental processing of the mind which includes short term and long-term memory storage. Example, information gain regarding the personal computer will only be in Sarahs mind for a brief moment if it is not stored in the long -term storage. Once Sarah stores it in the long term storage, she will be able to recall the characteristic of the computers brands and make the decision making without it being lost in a minute. Three main operation takes place in the memory so that the information can be retrieve later on Rehearsal Mental repetition of product information. Example, BOH tea ade Ummph phrase remind consumer of their good quality of tea Encoding Information interprets which allows long-term storage. Example, consumer will register the types of tea products so that consumer can pick the choice that they like. Storage Information stored in long-term memory. Example, when it comes to tea consumption, Malaysian consumer will remember BOH tea, as the tea with high quality and creates bonding between family members. Graph below shows the choice that is choice that has to be made by Sarah after obtaining the desired information that is needed by her. Computer brands that is aware by Sarah. Example, Acer, Apple, Compaq, Dell, HP, Sony, and Toshiba Subset of computer brands that is aware by Sarah in the market Affordable and high performance brands will be Sarahs best choice of purchasing a computer. Example, Dell and Acer which is affordable and high performance With more information, only selective few strong candidates are remain Choice Set Sarah might make her decision on a Dell computer because it is cheaper and long lasting compared to Sony which is too expensive and unaffordable Brands that satisfy her buying criteria of a computer. Example, the price is affordable and high performance Evoke / Consideration set Awareness Set Evaluation and Selection of Alternatives The following step allows the consumer to evaluate the brands from the information that is obtained. However, there is no specific evaluation process is applied by all consumer in buying situation. Thus, consumers sees product as a bundle of attributes such as the need, benefits, and attributes in order to make the right decision that satisfy their needs and wants. This bundle of attributes is actually a products objective and subjective factors. Objective factor BOH tea provides high quality tea that provides health benefits Subjective factors Comparison of BOH Tea and Lipton tea, BOH tea being the outstanding as product is a national brand. It is also cheap and easily obtain. Purchase Decision Purchasing the brand BOH tea satisfies the entire spectrum of the non-alcoholic beverage in Malaysia and encourages tea to be consumed including, cold, instant, traditional or in any other form that is preferred by consumer. This satisfies the consumer by providing choice of tea consumption according to their taste This is the stage where consumer has decided which brand of product that he or she wants after a making comparison with all the availability of product brands. Consumer will then have to select 2 specific elements which is purchasing the brand choice and purchasing time. Purchasing Time Product can be purchase in most retail outlet in the form of packages. Consumer can also buy it in bundle during promotion period too. Post purchase evaluation In this stage the level of purchase involvement of consumer is very important, it is often known as the level of concern for or interest in the purchase and heavily depends on the extensive information that is seek by the consumer in making a purchase decision. Low purchase involvement process Example, suppose if a buyer buys a certain brand of product (e.g., BOH tea) as a matter of habit, this means the drink is a low purchase involvement situation and consumers do not have to evaluate and seek information extensively. This case consumer will simply buy and consume the product and generates a high level of repeating the same purchase of product. Graph above shows low involvement purchase process that takes place. The benefit of low purchase involvement process is BOH tea has become consumers loyal brand for tea consumption products as repeat purchase has been taking place from time to time. However, if the level of purchase is high and the consumer is involved in extensive decision making, consumer will be more likely to face a more elaborated post-purchase evaluation. High Purchase Involvement process This graph shows that there is a post-purchase dissonance where consumer are unable to commit to the decision of choosing the brand that they want and it will create anxiety among consumers as it is difficult to make alternatives choices. In order for consumer to reduce this dissonance, consumer has to make approaches such as to increase the desirability of the brand that they want to purchase and reject the desirability of rejected alternatives and also reject the negative data on brand purchased. If dissonance is not reduce, the anxiety experience may turn into a dissatisfaction and leads to a new problem. That is why high purchase involvement needs extensive research of information to reduce anxiety and increase the confidence level in purchasing the product they want. Consumer will stay loyal to BOH tea because the company is constantly doing research in order to satisfy the future consumer needs . Psychological Core BOH tea Attention Attention is a concept of cognitive psychology that helps us to actively process information present in our environment. Attention is an unconscious process where consumer can automatically scan the features of the environment surrounding them. Attention can be classified into 2 which are voluntary and involuntary. Selective attention is voluntary where relevant information is focused. Involuntary is orientation reflex where something surprising is put in front of a person and allocates the attention towards it. Selective Attention Selective attention is the study of why people pay attention towards things, and how deep is their attention towards things that they focus. Example, being in a classroom, or a busy highway, it is impossible for a person to note everything down. What a person pays attention is actually what they select to pay attention to, thus, selective attention is not entirely conscious. In order to capture the attention of consumer entirely, BOH tea pays attention towards animal and environmental conservation and have won numerous awards. Example, the companys packing facility in Bukit Cheeding has receive the ISO 9002 certification, this can further assured of quality tea every time consumer open up a packet of BOH tea. BOH also won the Super brand Excellence Trophy Award in Food Beverage category in 2004. Orientation reflex Orientation reflex is very important in capturing the attention of consumer. The aim of this involuntary action is to create stimuli that surprise the expectation of consumers. Example, BOH Tea is able to capture the attention of their consumer with their advertisement in television which focuses on family bonding where family members can socialize through a cup of tea. Health benefits offers by BOH tea also has direct their attention towards consumer automatically because they are aware the importance of health Perception Perception is a process that begins with consumer being exposed to information, attended to the information and ending with comprehending the information that is focus on. Perception consists of 5 major elements which is exposure stage, attention stage and comprehension stage. Exposure stage Beginning process of perception process where consumer is exposing to information in the environment that is observed by the human senses. Example, when we are driving on the freeway we are expose towards numerous commercial messages such as bill boards, radio advertisement, bumper- stickers on car, banners on shopping mall and many more . However, exposure towards surrounding is not enough to give a major impact towards consumers. BOH tea attracts consumer by promoting their products in television commercial, newspaper advertisement, BOH tea website, and also campaign. Example, BOH tea has done numerous televisions commercial by targeting the culture of tea regardless of religious or political options and also not to forget the moment of togetherness by the bonding of family members. However, this has allowed zapping and zipping away of television commercial to occur and consumer might miss the television commercial. This mean attention is needed to draw the attention of the people. Attention Stage The matter of degree that consumer pays attention towards something, this stage consumer will allocate processing capacity to a stimulus. Example, if we are driving on a freeway and we are running low on gas, our attention immediately becomes high towards signboards that say how far is the next petrol station, but low when commercial regarding shopping or movies on the billboards. However, our attention towards something can be instantly escalates from high to low when we are in need of something. Example, an advertisement for a product that we are interested is on television programs. In order to capture the attention of consumer, BOH tea has involve in animal and environmental conservation. One of their successful story is when BOH Plantation was the first tea company to be awarded ISO22000 certification , an international standard designed to ensure safe food supply chains worldwide. BOH has also strengthened the leadership of their brand by embarking on numerous marketing campaig ns. Example of a successful campaign the BOH Ummph! campaign, a tagline that is still remembered by young Malaysian right until today. This campaign has brought attention towards consumer as BOH focuses on family values. Interpretation stage The final stage of perception where consumer organize and interprets the information obtain from their environment. BOH tea comes in the mind of consumer when they hear or sees the Ada Ummph! phrase in advertisements. Memory 2 types of memory Short-term memory The decision is instantly made, and if without repetition information will be forgotten. Long-term memory Information that is repeated will be interpret and stored in the long-term memory, information can be use later on as it can be change to short-term memory for making decision. Consumer that remembers BOH tea can purchase it when tea supply is needed at home Purchase and consumption decision Consumer is very clear of the products that benefits or satisfies their need, and purchase process begins when consumer buys the product Nature of perception The graph above shows the nature of perception from exposure until purchase and consumption decision of consumers. Exposure provides opportunity for attention but not guarantee that is seen by consumer. Exposure can be then categorise into 2 element which is selective and voluntary. Selective exposure is where there is vast amount of information given but choices is up to consumers interest, and voluntary exposure is consumer is willing to accept the information as to satisfy purchase goal, and entertainment. Information provided by BOH Plantation may not be consumers interest, but it is their duty to attract consumer to consume their high quality tea. Attention is where the information is selected and focus by consumer and information is send to the sensory system to interpret that data. Interpretation of information begins when consumer allocates the information that is necessity for their purchase goals or objectives , the information is receive from the stimulus of the consumer. The information that is generated is then stored in the memory. Memory has two elements which is short term and long term. Short term memory is where the information is stored for a shorter period of time in order to make a instant decision and is forgotten quickly after that. Long term memory is where the information generated is stored for a longer period of time where consumer can make decision later on in time and does not have to be instant. Finally, the purchase and consumption stage, consumer will decide to buy the product once they have understand the criteria that satisfy their purchase goal . Motivation Motivation refers to an inner drive that reflects the goal of a person, which consist of the urge, wishes, or desire that allow them to strive to achieve the goals and aims that is set. The two motivational theories that is famously known to express the motivation of people are the: Maslows Hierachy of Needs W.J. McGuire psychological motives Maslows hierarchy of need is actually a theory to satisfy the human needs . In order to be at the peak of the hierarchy, a person has to satisfy the lower needs in order to achieve higher needs in the hierarchy. We will now study and go through each stage of Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of needs Basic needs/ Physiological needs Basic needs of human. Example, food, water, sex ,sleep, and also Exercise Safety needs Security, shelter, and normalcy in life Belongingness and love needs A persons affection and acceptance as part of family or group, intimate relationships and also friends Esteem or status Prestige, accomplishment , self respect, and the respect of others. Confident, appreciated and also the need of feel competent is also important Self actulisation The need to realise ones own potential, to achieve dreams and ambitions The next theory is McGuires Hierarchy of Needs, a very detailed set of motives to understand the specific aspects of consumer behavior. This theory consists of 4 major categories with 16 sub-categories which explain the behavior of consumer. The 2 criteria that satisfy the 4 main categories are as follow: Is the mode of motivation cognitive or affective? Is the motive focus on preservation of status or on growth ? Cognitive Preservation Motives Need for Consistency (active, internal) Need for Attribution (active, external) Need to Categorize (passive, internal) Need for Objectification (i.e., cues) (passive, external) Cognitive Growth Motives Need for Autonomy (i.e., Independence) (active, internal) Need for Stimulation (active, external) Teleological Need (i.e., desired outcomes or end states) (passive, internal) Utilitarian Need (i.e., problem solvers) (passive, external) Affective Preservation Motives: Need for Tension Reduction (active, internal) Need for Expression (active, external) Need for Ego Defense (passive, internal) Need for Reinforcement (passive, external) Affective Growth Motives: Need for Assertion (active, internal) Need for Affiliation (active, external) Need for Identification (passive, internal) Need for Modeling (passive, external) Learning Motives Motive arouses individual to respond and engage in learning activity. Goal that are achieved will reduce arousal but will have tendency to occur again. Marketer put product in a way that can satisfy the arousal of consumer Example, when a person is in need for tea consumption (motive) , BOH tea will provide the tea in many form for choices of consumer Reinforcement Tendency of motives to re-occur again in a similar situation. Elements of learning Response Physical activity in reaction towards stimulus, Example, the process of going to retail outlet to purchase tea Cues Provides direction, respond towards motive. Example, tea can be obtain in the retail outlets Cognitive Learning ( Thinking ) This learning process focuses on acquiring knowledge and skill is by mental, which is creating metal presentation of physical object and events in our heads. Individuals learn by listening, watching, touching, reading or experiencing then processing and remembering the information. We can conclude that this kind of learning emphasizes on the role of memory and thinking There are 3 types of learning process : Iconic role learning Interrelationship between two or more concepts without conditioning learning and without reasoning. Vicarious learning Behavior are formed by observing the outcomes of other behavior or imagining the outcome of potential behavior Analytical learning New information are updated when new theories or studies are formed. Behavioral Learning ( Conditioning) Classical conditioning A learning process between environmental stimulus and natural occurring stimulus. Unconditioned stimulus happens automatically, unconditionally and naturally triggers a response, Example, when you smell your favorites food you may immediately feel hungry. Smell of food is unconditioned stimulus. Unconditioned stimulus is the unlearned response that occurs naturally in respond towards unconditioned stimulus. Example, hungry in response the smell of food. Conditioned stimulus is the neutral stimulus that has no connection with the unconditioned stimulus. Conditioned response is learned from the neutral stimulus. Operant conditioning Learning method that occurs through punishment and rewards behavior. Example of operant conditioning can be seen around us, consider employees finishing project with excellent result receives praise or promotions. Reward here increases the behavior.Behavior can also be reducing for example, a student to be told to lose recess privileges if they did not finish their homework. This leads to a decrease in disruptive behavior. Memory Memory consist of 2 component which is Short-term memory (STM) and Long-term memory (LTM) Short term memory Short term memory which also known as working memory is the portion of total memory that is currently in use or activated. Rehearsal of information is needed to ensure it is encode in the long-term memory is the information is important for later usage. If information in short term memory is not repeated it will be lost in 30seconds. Example, if we were to see an advertisement regarding fast food delivery , we will not pay much attention to the advertisement but only remember the number for future usage Long term memory Long term memory has essentially unlimited capacity to store information permanently. Stored information is either semantic or visual. Semantic memory deals with encoding and storage of words , while visual deals with storage of images. Memory here is stored permanently and can be use when needed to make a decision. Rehearsing is important to register something in the long-term memory. Example, if we move to a new house and change our phone number, we ourselves probably have to repeat it until we register the number in our memory storage. Learning process consist of 3 element Schemes It stores facts and generalize information such as verbal information, concepts, rules, principles, and problem solving skills. Information that stored here is simply meaningful and helps consumers to make decision. It is well-establish schemata Scripts A special issue in the memory that is also known as procedures we remember for doing things. Scripts involve a series of sequences in doing something. Example, the manufacturing of tea in the BOH tea plantation to where it is distributed so that consumer can purchase it. In general, it is important for firms to have their brand names incorporated into scripts. Example, consumer reflexively can search for BOH tea in the shops rather than unspecified brand of tea Repositioning Repositioning is an attempt to change the consumers perception of their brand; this is because the existing products position is less attractive towards consumer. Example, a product that has great quality but the price is not affordable has low return in profit to the firms, this means they have to change their strategy to lower the price of their products. Repositioning is a very tough process as large sum of money is needed for advertising and promotion of their products. Attitude Attitude is feeling or affection against a stimulus; it is stored in the long-term memory. The 4 function of attitude consist of Utilitarian function, which is use to obtain reward and avoid punishment, Ego-Defensive function is self-protection, knowledge function is simplifies decision such as brand, and value expression which is express identify towards others. Culture The direct definition from textbook about culture is That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man person as a member of society. From this definition, we can learn several important characteristic of culture such as Culture is comprehensive This means that everything must have a connection in order to create culture. Example, bowing and a strong desire to avoid the loss of face are unified in their manifestation of the important of respect. Boundaries of acceptable behavior Everyone must understand their surrounding before taking action. Example, a person cannot be naked while attending class, the least outfit will be shorts and a T-shirt to wearing suits and tie. However, if a person is to wear a suit in the beach, they will definitely be laugh at . So it is very important to know your environment. Cultural characteristics as a continuum. There is a tendency to stereotype cultures as being one way or another (e.g., individualistic rather than collectivistic). Note, however, countries fall on a continuum of cultural traits. Hofstadters research demonstrates a wide range between the most individualistic and collectivistic countries, for example-some fall in the middle. Subculture Identification with core culture Identification with a subculture Mass market behaviors Unique market behavior Core culture values and norms Subculture values and norms Individuals A subculture is a section of a larger culture whose members shares distinguish values and pattern behavior. Social history and current situation of the groups generates the unique values and pattern of behavior which they practices in their subculture. Subculture members exist from the core culture where they share their unique value the most. Figure above shows to which degree an individual behave in manner of unique dependent to the extend which individuals reach out towards that subculture. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Segmentation, targeting, and positioning comprise is a three stage process, this process will helps us in Determine which kind of customer exist Which customer
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Significant Images in the Grimms’ Version of Rapunzel†Essay example --
Significant Images in the Grimms’ Version of â€Å"Rapunzel†â€Å"†¦the witch took her to the middle of the forest and shut her up in a tower that had neither stairs nor door, but only a little window at the very top.†(p. 74) A feeling of suspense is instilled just by reading this single line in â€Å"Rapunzel†by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Elements evoking emotion in a story, such as suspense, increase the degree of entertainment thereby enhancing quality and enjoyment factors. This story is both superficially entertaining and subconsciously intriguing. Exploring the symbolism of images such as the tower, the open window at the top of it and Rapunzel’s long hair will begin to satisfy this curiosity. The image of a tall solid structure is introduced quite early in the story and repeated in two different forms. The first occurs at the beginning of the story in the form of a â€Å"high wall around the garden†(p.73), and the second, of course, as the tower which is home to the 12 year old Rapunzel. It is worth mentioning that the idea of a tower and window at the top are not unique to this story. In fact, they can be traced back to Greek Mythology and the story of Perseus. The excerpt â€Å"†¦he locked Danae in a bronze tower so that she would never marry or have children. The tower had no doors, but it had one very small window. Danae was very sad, but one day a bright shower of gold came through the small window. A man appeared†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( clearly proves this. Perhaps the Witch, who is characterized as the Godmother, also had the intention of preventing Rapunzel from marrying and having children. A Freudian would say this image is completely phallic whereby the tower symbolizes the (erect)... ...hat follow. On a deeper level, however, Rapunzel successfully completes the transformation of girl to woman by the end of the story. She has become a wife and bears the child that was conceived in the space at the top of the tower, despite the attempt made by the Godmother to prevent this from happening. Therefore, subconsciously, the Grimms seem to be telling a story of the rite of passage, conception and the elements necessary to complete these events of transformation. Works Cited: Perrault, Charles. "Puss in Boots." Folk & Fairy Tales Comp. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. 2nd ed. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 1996. 94-97. Monte, Christopher F. Beneath the Mask: An Introduction to the Theories of Personality. Fifth Edition. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 1995.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
We Need Censorship :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
We Need Censorship It won't kill us to make limits, but it might if we don't. That is why it is JUSTIFIABLE to limit adult's freedom of expression--it is in our, society's, best interests to protect the children. Lional Tate is just one example of a child gone bad because of the media. Tate mimicked his idol the Rock, killing a six-year old girl by smashing her skull, pulverizing her liver, breaking her ribs and causing numerous cuts and bruises. If that's not enough of an example what about the teen from New Jersey who simply listened to Ozzy Osborne's "Suicide Solution" and killed himself? These are not random occurrences, we hear about them on the news frequently. If our freedom of expression is harming kids why can't we fix the problem by not allowing them access to it? Argument one, People, especially children are very susceptible to being influenced by what they watch or see happen throughout their lives. "Monkey see, Monkey do." Everyone has heard this phrase sometime in his or her life. This phrase is simple, yet very applicable to today's debate. When a child sees someone or something doing something. They will of course follow suit and imitate the action being performed. Children do not know any better. Therefore they are innocent and deserve to be respected. It is for these following reasons that we argue for the censorship of harmful materials that could influence a child or children into violent acts, expressions, and other dangerous actions. Through television, video games, and movies, children and teens view countless acts of violence, brutality, and terror as part of entertainment. They become conditioned to associating violence with entertainment. First-person shooter video games develop our children's skills in operating weapons. The games reward marksmanship, and further reinforce the association of killing with entertainment. In the past, the heroes of movie and television shows were usually people who strictly followed the law. Now, heroes are often people who take the law into their own hands, who see an injustice or evil and seek to rectify it personally, sometimes brutally, regardless of the consequences. Such portrayals signal, to a child, society's approval of that behavior.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Music for survival or a luxury
Is music a luxury, or a necessity for humans? Even though we can live with out it, unlike food and water, I do believe music is a necessity. Even in countries where food and water are scarce, they will still find a way to make music. Some luxuries are necessary to live a peaceful life, music being one of them. So, with that being said, music not only helps us through the tough times, but also keeps us alive. Music Is like glue. It lets us keep our sanity. Music relates to us, thus letting us know, â€Å"Hey, you're not the only one going through this. Also, I'll bet my life that each and every one of o listens to music at least once a day. Weather It's on TV, or on the radio when you go to work, or even if you heat a street performer In a park, you've all heard music. If you haven't, then probably deaf. Music surrounds us, no matter what. Plus, music Is not only good for your health, It's good for your soul. For some people, music Is a distraction, but others, It helps them work, ex ercise, and even helps then remember easier. I know It dose for me. So many people suffer from depression across America, and across the world.An estimated 9. 2 million people suffer from depression. But, most of them seek out music that relates to them, makes them feel loved, or even just music in general. Music is their life, they live for music. And in some cases, music keeps them living. With out music, where would they be? But, this doesn't mean, â€Å"Unless your depressed, then you don't need music. †We all need music sometimes. Weather you're sad that your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you, or you got in a fight with your best friend, or you could Just be having a bad day.Music will always be there, waiting for you. Who doesn't Just want to curl up with a blanket and listen too loyalist of music you made when you're sad, maybe even bring your favorite book with you. Or, you're Just so happy, and you Just want to dance, you're most likely to put on a really good song, a Just dance till you can't. â€Å"Music expresses that witch cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent†– Victor Hugo Music is everywhere. It's on the TV we watch, on the streets we walk on, in the cars we drive, one could even say it's practically in the air we breath.No matter where you go, there's bound to be music. You might not be able to understand it, but it's still there. It's always has been, and always will be. In my life, personally, I listen to music for a good six hours per day. From the time my alarm goes off, to when my mom makes my take out my eat buds to go to bed. With out It, I don't know where I'd be. Music also brings people together. Whether It's at a concert, or someone Likes the same band as you. Music brings us closer then anything else on earth, expect love.I'd would have missed out on so many opportunities If It wasn't for music. To be honest, I met most of my friends thanks to music. Music brings us together, It's a fa ct. Some people consider music as a luxury though. Usually a luxury Is something that Is afforded my one group or person, but not by another, poorer group or person. But, that doesn't apply to music, as it is enjoyed across the entire planter, regardless of would want to? There is something special about music. It Just makes everything better. Music, at it's best moments, is a most miraculous expression of humanity.That's why I love it. For most people, music is a distraction. But for others, like myself, it actually helps them work. Music stimulates certain parts of the brain. When you're writhing an easy about, let's say, world hunger, you might want to listen to some music that you consider â€Å"emotional†while you write. By doing this, you could be more likely to be able to put more feeling into your easy. Also, collage students often listen to music while they study. That way, when you take the test, and the song pops up in your head, you'll remember what you learned.I f you listen to up-beat music while you exercise, it raises your heart beat, and making you work header. Up-beat music will also help you not fall asleep. Another good use for music is, when you hear a certain song, it might remind you of something. Like, the song that was playing when you had your first kiss. Or maybe you hear a song that was popular back when you were in gig school. Music works in strange ways. Music has the ability to make a person feel emotions, of course, we already knew that.The thing is though, one song could make a person feel so happy, and the person next to them could be in tears because of that song. It's weird how music has such an impact on our lives, and we hardly notice it. The same song you think sucks so much, could be the one thing that is keeping a person alive. Or maybe, that person could be you, who knows. But what we do know is this. The first written form of music can be traced all the way back to 600 AD, and can still be found and heard today all cross the world.If we didn't need music to survive, then why has it been around so long? Think about it. When the first song was sung, and the first instruments were played, who was there? Our ancestors were there, and I bet they were cheering on, and dancing, having a good old time. Enjoying life as if it would never end. Those first people past on their experiences on from generation to generation, and pretty soon, every one loved music. They couldn't get enough of it. It would be crime to take that away form us. Music is our history, music is our life. With out it, what are we?
Monday, September 16, 2019
Jit in Service Sector
This issue s covered by adopting an indirect approach. All the benefits which are obtained using KIT are listed and then their corresponding implementation In service sector Is discussed. It is observed that all the utilities of KIT like Reducing cost, Improving Quality, Improving Performance, Improving Delivery, Adding Flexibility and Increasing Innovativeness are implemented in service industry. This helps us to understand that basic philosophy remains the same, only Implementation methodology Is changed.IT is a philosophy of continuous improvement in which non-value-adding activities re identified and removed for the purposes of: Reducing cost Improving Quality Improving Performance Improving Delivery Adding Flexibility Increasing Innovativeness IT is not about automation. KIT eliminates waste by providing the environment to perfect and simplify the processes. KIT is a collection of techniques used to improve operations. It can also be a new production system that is used to produ ce goods or services.All the above utilities of Just in Time concept indicates that this concept is not sector specific concept. It can also be employed in service sector. Service Sector In order to define services, it is not enough to say simply that they are intangible acts as opposed to tangible goods. Most modern products are a combination of both. For example, when purchasing a washing machine the customer also receives services such as installation, maintenance and repair. When getting a haircut, the customer will likely also benefit from a number of hair care products and might even purchase some for home use.Therefore services can be characterized with the following important features: Intangibility: services cannot generally be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled before they are bought. ? Inseparability: services are produced and consumed at the same time. Variability: the quality of the same service may vary depending on who provides it as well as when and how it is provi ded. Permissibility: services cannot be stored for later sales or use; lack of demand cannot be evened out by producing to an inventory.Several of the features enumerated above do not apply to modern information technology-based services. There, personal contact does not have any importance (e. G. , on-line learning in its purest form, on-line banking, etc. ) and variability is greatly reduced t I not eliminated completely. Due to this heterogeneity in services it is difficult to classify them in a useful manner. Implementation of KIT in Service Sector The key principles of KIT in any system are: no wastage, total visibility, and flexibility in the use of human and material resources.In any environment these principles translate into three simple rules: don't start any work unless the demand signal indicates a need for more material; if the demand signal indicates a need, work to fill that need; and, never exceed the queue-size limit . KIT is now fully integrated into service sector , although the use of the term KIT is rarely used. All the objectives aimed by employing KIT is achieved in service sector as seen below. Reducing Cost In Service sector â€Å"return on investment†(ROI) has traditionally translated to â€Å"cut costs. Certainly, organizations today are under tremendous pressure from management and from customers to deliver a higher level of service at lower cost, and to do so using existing resources. Any expenditure they do make to help them achieve this goal is expected to deliver a measurable, hard-dollar ROI, and deliver it quickly. Similar to manufacturing sector, cost can be reduced by adopting administration. Service sector can delivers standardization by applying the principles to the way people, business processes, and technology are organized.All three have become so interlinked that change to one must be addressed in all three. Uses of Information technology in various service sector industries have led to standardization. Standa rdization can be adopted by using the industry standards, reusable components, and consistent implementation. Industry Standard Architecture Industry standards provide a consistent enterprise-wide approach for deploying IT at the lowest cost. Reducing the diversity of your IT environment drives down the costs of implementing change.Industry standards enable different components in a heterogeneous environment to work together consistently. Today's standards will also help facilitate the integration of tomorrow's standards and solutions. Standards drive efficiencies and economies of scale, increase flexibility and provide greater choice. They lower the cost of computing compared to proprietary offerings and provide the foundation for innovations that enhance functionality and the user experience.Standards also facilitate common training, best practices and the reuse f knowledge. Reusable component Reusable components break down silos of IT into modular assets. This building blocks app roach applies to system elements, application and infrastructure services and people. The rapid adoption of web services is the result of standard, industry- recognized IT components that address the need to reduce cost, implement new services quickly and efficiently, and scale rapidly.Consistent Implementation Consistent implementation provides a standardized approach to the way work is organized, establishing a common framework for business and IT A consistent approach to implementation increases productivity and enables the rapid redeployment tot resources to meet changing business demand and reduces the time required to implement change, improves operational efficiency, and increases flexibility when deploying human resources or changing business processes.Example McDonald's Corporation will migrate more than 4,000 stores to run on CO'S Open Server Release 5 platform over the next two years. McDonald's implementation of Open Server will assist in relaying data from the stores' p oint-of-sale machines to McDonald's corporate headquarters, as well as provide access to corporate applications. Open Server also helps McDonald's reduce costs by allowing the use of less expensive hardware and enabling the networking and speed provided by newer hardware. Improving Quality According to Curran (1999), quality can be defined as fitness for use.The term can also be understood as features of the product which meet customer needs and thereby provide customer satisfaction and as freedom from deficiencies – errors that require rework or result in field failures, customer dissatisfaction and claims etc. In order to improve quality in the service sector it is important to realize that every recess generates information that can be used for its improvement. No organization should neglect the opportunity to take a close look at accumulated data as part of the operations.With this data it is possible to discover hidden patterns in process deficiencies, form different hyp othesis as to what might be the reasons for deficiencies, etc. In short, use the scientific method to increase profitability and competitiveness of the organization as a whole by improving processes and customer satisfaction. Statistical tools for improvement of service quality The basic statistical toolbox includes a set of seven tools. Among them are check sheets, the Parent chart, the cause-and-effect diagram, histograms, stratification, scatter plots and graphs (including the control chart).They help people see how often things happen, when and where they happen and in what different forms they may present themselves to the observer. These tools are widely used in the service industry. Example The President of a relatively small mortgage-lending bank facing a serious competition of similar institutions had decided that in order to survive in the market ,excellent service should be the banks trademark. They selected team conducted a preliminary statistical study of transaction da ta. Team members found out that the average time to complete a loan was 24 days.A market analysis showed that a shorter time period to obtain a home loan would give the bank a significant advantage over the competitors. The banks President nominated a team to work on reducing the waiting time for the loans approval. After flowcharting the process on the basis of available transaction data and observing the processing of new loans for 3 months, the team found out that enormous time savings could be achieved. A Parent chart indicated that an overwhelming part of the elapsed time was due to the documents traveling between various offices since they had to be read and approved by so many different people.Further analysis showed that the steps in the process could be combined, and get done by one person. This could greatly reduce boot TN waiting time and the potential for errors. As a consequence, a set of standard operating procedures was prepared for the new process. After the system c hanges were implemented, a statistical study showed that the average time to obtain a home non was reduced to 4 days, providing this bank with a significant advantage over its competitors. Improving performance Performance in a service sector can be improved by using various approaches.Any or all of the following approaches will improve organizational performance depending on if they are implemented comprehensively and remain focused on organizational results. Broad Overview of Various Approaches The following descriptions are general and brief. Balanced Scorecard: Focuses on four indicators, including customer perspective, internal-business processes, learning and growth and financial, to monitor progress award organization's strategic goals Benchmarking: Using standard measurements in a service or industry for comparison to other organizations in order to gain perspective on organizational performance.For example, there are emerging standard benchmarks for universities, hospitals, etc. Business Process Reengineering: Aims to increase performance by radically re-designing the organization's structures and processes, including by starting over from the ground up. Cultural Change: Cultural change is a form of organizational transformation, that is, radical and fundamental form of change. Cultural change involves changing the basic values, norms, beliefs, etc. , among members of the organization.Knowledge Management: Focuses on collection and management of critical knowledge in an organization to increase its capacity for achieving results. Its effectiveness toward reaching overall results for the organization depends on how well the enhanced, critical knowledge is applied in the organization. Learning Organization: Focuses on enhancing organizations systems (including people) to increase an organization's capacity for performance. Management by Objectives (MOB): Aims to align goals and fortunate objectives throughout the organization Program Evaluation: Program evaluation is used for a wide variety of applications, e. . , to increase efficiencies of program processes and thereby cut costs, to assess if program goals were reached or not, to quality programs for accreditation, etc. Strategic Planning: Organization-wide process to identify strategic direction, including vision, mission, values and overall goals. Direction is pursued by implementing associated action plans, including multi- level goals, objectives, time lines and responsibilities. Strategic planning is, of course, form of planning. Improving Delivery The delivery in service sector is improved by the introduction of Internet and information technology.It has bridged the gap between customer and service provider. Now it is possible to take orders on computer, maintain a database of clients on network and use it as and when required. Customer segments vary by need, size and service levels so it is difficult for one delivery channel to serve all segments efficiently. Providers ca n oaten increase snare tot wallet Witt under- penetrated customer segments by creating niche-focused delivery channels. A low venue segment, for example, can be assigned to a telephone channel at a lower cost while providing services designed to increase customer satisfaction.The niche- focused channel can be developed so it replicates the sales and service functions that traditional face-to-face delivers to more profitable segments. Contact center representatives can identify and prioritize customer needs and then deliver solutions that have high value to the customer. The path to such solutions begins with an evaluation of current channel performance to diagnose opportunities. Compare current and desired future state metrics of each channel. Then restructure key components of the delivery system for each line of business and each customer cluster.Look for solutions that guide customers into more efficient channels while actually improving service to the customer. Adding flexibilit y The only way companies can continue to empower employees and reduce the bureaucracy within their operation is to use flexible people–people who can do more than one task. Business needs workers who are ascertained in other skills and who also participate in such traditional managerial concerns as Job planning, organizing, and controlling. Flexible people are also having an impact on the service industry. One example, reported by Fortune (Ulster 1989), is Lecher, Inc. A store retail chain owned by Dayton Hudson. Experimenting with flexibility as a competitive tool, Lecher began by offering employees in its Sarasota, Florida facility raises based on the number of Jobs each learned to perform. Cashiers were encouraged to sell records and tapes. Sporting goods salespeople were taught to operate forklifts. What are the benefits to Lecher? Flexibility in the work force has helped the company adjust quickly to shifts in staffing needs because workers can be moved to where hey are needed. Pay incentives plus the chance for more varied and interesting work days are powerful recruiting incentives.Perhaps that is one reason Lechery's Sarasota facility has a more stable work force–60 percent full time, rather than the 30 percent that exists in the rest of the chain. Increasing Innovativeness Innovation is clearly critical to the dynamism of the service sector, in particular as information and communication technologies are applied to re-engineer business processes, to create and extend service offerings, and to realize entirely new business models Type tot Innovation, by sector [pick] Due to the heterogeneous nature of services, innovation can take very different shapes in different areas.As shown in figure, in service sector innovation is primarily happening in terms of organizational changes. Companies are becoming horizontally integrated and Job enlargement is the key driver for the organizational change. Today, it typically leads to a stronger focus on â€Å"core business†, enhancing firms' capacity to excel in a narrower band of products. The increased tendency towards outsourcing is one element of this trend. Another one is the establishment of more mutinous and mutually beneficial relationships between firms.Organizational change serves in part to improve co-operation both within and between organizations; it is often essential for reaping the gains of innovation as well as for promoting successful innovation. Hence it is observed that in service sector KIT is implemented in a different way, yet it lead to the same result. KIT is now fully integrated into service sector, although the use of the term KIT is rarely used. Examples of KIT implementation in service sector McDonald's, Domino's and federal Express, who compete on speed and still provide heir products and services at low cost and increasing variety. ? Lens provider, cleaner and car-repair services can turn around customer orders in an hour. Supermarkets repleni sh their shelves according to what the customers withdraw. Retail stores can provide customers with more choice faster than ever before. Stores can now track customer buying habits in real-time and change their orders daily. Conclusion It is seen that elements of KIT can be applied to almost any operation, including service operations. The philosophy remains the same, only the methodology and ways of implementation changes.
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